Thursday 8 February 2018

أوبتيونرالي تجارة السيارات

خطوة أخرى أيضا.

يرجى إكمال الفحص الأمني ​​للوصول إلى سكامبروكر.

لماذا يتعين علي إكمال اختبار كابتشا؟

إكمال اختبار كابتشا يثبت أنك إنسان وتمنحك إمكانية الوصول المؤقت إلى موقع الويب.

ماذا يمكنني أن أفعل لمنع ذلك في المستقبل؟

إذا كنت على اتصال شخصي، كما هو الحال في المنزل، يمكنك تشغيل فحص مكافحة الفيروسات على جهازك للتأكد من أنه لم يصاب مع البرامج الضارة.

إذا كنت في مكتب أو شبكة مشتركة، يمكنك أن تطلب من مسؤول الشبكة إجراء فحص عبر الشبكة تبحث عن الأجهزة التي تمت تهيئتها بشكل خاطئ أو المصابة.

كلودفلار راي إد: 3dda210334e88f63 & بول؛ إب الخاص بك: & الثور؛ الأداء & أمب؛ الأمن من قبل كلودفلار.

مراجعة أوبتيونرالي.

معاينة موقع الويب.

استعراض أوبتيونرالي.

هذا الوسيط مغلق. التجارة مع وسيط إكبتيون بدلا من ذلك.

أوبتيونرالي هي واحدة من وسطاء أعلى تصنيف الذي يعد بتقديم تجربة كبيرة للعملاء ومنصة سهلة الاستخدام. من المهم أن نذكر أن أوبتيونرالي ينظم من قبل سيسيك. قراءة لدينا أوبتيونرالي روبوت مراجعة ومعرفة كل شيء مهم حول لهم!

أوبتيونرالي الميزات الخاصة.

الحد الأدنى للإيداع: $ 250 الحد الأدنى للإستثمار: $ 25 أقصى مكافأة: غير محدود أقصى استثمار: $ 5.000 الإرجاع الأقصى: 90٪

هذا وسيط منظم، بسبب قرار سيسيك، لم يعد يوفر الخيارات الثنائية المكافآت!

في هذا القسم سوف يغوص في أنواع الحسابات أوبتيونرالي:

حساب أوبتيونرالي ميني ترادينغ.

ويوصى هذا الحساب من قبل وسيط ل نوبي ثنائي. يجب على التجار ذوي الخبرة الحفاظ على تعرضهم للمخاطر عند أدنى مستوى. يرحب أوبتيونرالي التجار بنسبة 15٪ من مكافأة الترحيب. في كل مرة تقوم بإيداع مع هذا الحساب، سوف تحصل على مزيد من 10٪ المكافآت. كما يتضمن حساب التداول البسيطة مراجعات يومية وأسبوعية للسوق.

أوبتيونرالي حساب التداول القياسي.

يسمح حساب قياسي الوصول الكامل إلى أوبتيونرالي الموقع مع جميع الخدمات الأساسية التي تشمل استعراض السوق، والتحليل اليومي، وأخبار السوق المالية. ويشمل حساب أوبتيونرالي التداول مكافأة 25٪ ترحيب، ومزيد من مكافأة 10٪ بعد إعادة إيداع. التجار مدعوون إلى استخدام محللي السوق عبر الدردشة الحية أوبتيونرالي. يوفر هذا الحساب أيضا 3 نصائح التداول اليومي والكتاب الإلكتروني.

حساب التداول التنفيذي أوبتيونرالي.

تم تصميم هذا الحساب للمساعدة في زيادة مهارات التداول الخاصة بك والحصول على المزيد من الخبرة التجارية. يوفر الحساب التنفيذي 25٪ من مكافأة الترحيب. بعد إعادة الإيداع، سوف تتلقى 10٪ من الودائع الأخرى. يتضمن الحساب التنفيذي واحد على جلسات واحدة مع خبراء التداول أوبتيونرالي.

أوبتيونرالي حساب نادي فيب.

يقدم حساب فيب كل من الميزات من الحسابات السابقة بالإضافة إلى عدد قليل من الميزات الحصرية. هذا الحساب التجاري هو، أكوريدنج إلى وسيط، وضعت للمهنيين التداول مع الكثير من الخبرة في التداول. سيتم تعيين عملاء فيب لمدير حساب أوبتيونرالي الشخصي الذي سيقدم المساعدة الشخصية. أوبتيونرالي حساب فيب يتيح لك التمتع الوصول إلى مزيد من المعلومات، والنوادي التجارية الخاصة، وغرف الدردشة، وأدوات التداول، والنوادي الدولية والعديد من الأدوات المفيدة.

هذا وسيط منظم، بسبب قرار سيسيك، لم يعد يوفر الخيارات الثنائية المكافآت!

ملاحظة للتجار *: يتم إضافة جميع العلاوات تلقائيا. إذا كنت لا تريد لهم، يرجى الاتصال أوبتيونرالي دعم العملاء من أجل إزالته.

أوبتيونرالي الحساب الإسلامي.

وقد تم إنشاء أوبتيونرالي خصيصا حساب الإسلامي لجميع التجار الذين يتبعون العقيدة الإسلامية. الحساب الإسلامي هو بدون فوائد ويشمل:

لا سياسة ريبا هيبة & # 8211؛ هدية أو تبرع مشاركة أو مشاريع مشتركة.

برامج التداول أوبتيونرالي.

مثل معظم السماسرة الخيارات الثنائية، ويستند أوبتيونرالي أيضا على سبوتوبتيون. أوبتيونرالي هو متاح في جميع أنظمة التشغيل، لذلك التجار قادرون على التجارة ورصد الصفقات من كل مكان في العالم. وقد وضعت منصة التداول الصفقات المفتوحة تحت المخططات. يمكن للمتداولين مراقبة صفقاتهم بسهولة. في مراجعة أوبتيونرالي لدينا وجدنا خيارات التداول هذه:

يوفر أوبتيونرالي مرات انتهاء صلاحية أكثر جاذبية:

أوبتيونرالي لديها خيار الإغلاق المبكر حيث يمكن للمتداولين بيع الخيارات قبل انتهاء الصلاحية.

وقد ركز أوبتيونرالي على جلب أفضل تجربة منصة لجميع التجار، بغض النظر عن الجهاز الذي يستخدمونه. ويمكن الاطلاع على التطبيقات على المتجر ومخزن غوغل بلاي وأنها مجانية. منصة الويب هو 100٪ على شبكة الإنترنت ويمكن للتجار التجارة من أي متصفح ونظام التشغيل.

أوبتيونرالي دعم المعلومات.

موقع أوبتيونرالي متاح في 7 لغات رئيسية بما في ذلك الإنجليزية والتركية والعربية والروسية والفرنسية والألمانية والإسبانية. وقد وفرت أوبتيونرالي قاعدة بيانات قسم المساعدة حيث يمكن للمتداولين العثور على معظم الإجابات على أسئلتهم. ويدعم قسم التعليمات والأسئلة الشائعة مع التحديثات المالية، والمعلومات الأساسية، وقاعدة بيانات التداول.

لقد وجدنا أيضا مركز التعليم حيث يتم الترحيب التجار مع العديد من ندوات عبر الإنترنت، والتقويم الاقتصادي، واللوائح التي توفر معلومات عن التداول ثنائي. حساب تجريبي غير متوفر مع هذا الوسيط، ولكن هناك الكثير من السماسرة على صفحتنا التي تدعم حساب تجريبي. تدعم أوبتيونرالي التواصل عبر البريد الإلكتروني: [إمايل & # 160؛ بروتكتد] أو الهواتف المتنوعة في جميع أنحاء العالم:

قبرص + 357-22030117 ألمانيا + 49-261-13938006 إسبانيا + 34-91-0602917 فرنسا + 33-170-615846 البرتغال + 35-170-7502592 النرويج + 47-219-35389 السويد + 46-812-410083 إيطاليا +39 -069-480060 غريس + 30-211-1985340 فينلاند + 35-893-1583280 نيثرلاند + 31-858-882801 دنمارك + 45-787-3053.

أوبتيونرالي المصرفية و معلومات الشركة.

في هذا القسم، وجدنا الميزات المصرفية النموذجية التي يمكن العثور عليها مع معظم السماسرة. أوبتيونرالي هو الاسم التجاري لشركة أوبتيونرالي فينانسيال سيرفيسز Ltd.، وكما ذكرنا أعلاه، يتم تنظيمها من قبل سيسيك & # 8211؛ (الرخصة رقم 220/13).

قبل القيام بالتجارة الأولى، يكون التجار ملزمين بالتحقق من حسابهم التجاري من أجل منعه من غسل الأموال أو سرقة الحسابات.

الحد الأدنى للإيداع مع أوبتيونرالي هو $ 250، والذي يعتبر المبلغ القياسي في الصناعة الثنائية. يمكن للتجار فتح حساب مع المزيد من العملات التجارية: اليورو، الدولار الأمريكي، الليرة التركية، أود، راند جنوب أفريقيا أو الجنيه الإسترليني، كل هذا يتوقف على تفضيلاتك.

خلال عملية إيداع، يتم عرض التجار لإيداع مع:

بطاقات الائتمان (أميكس، مايسترو فيزا، ماستر كارد) محافظ إلكترونية (كاشو، سوفورت، سافيشارج، نيتيلر، مونيبوكرز / سكريل أو أبم حوالة مصرفية (بيرايوس بنك، يوروبانك)

كسب المال مع التداول الآلي.

في عام 2018، تم إطلاق أوبتيونرالي. بل هو وسيط الخيارات الثنائية التي تعمل من مقرها الرئيسي في ليماسول، قبرص. منذ تأسيسها، وقد جعلت أوبتيوراللي اسم موثوق به في هذه الصناعة أوبتيونرالي معروفة لتقديم أنواع مختلفة من الحسابات التي تناسب متطلبات التجار. توافر أنواع متعددة من الحسابات هو وسيلة فريدة من نوعها لإظهار أنهم يفهمون أن لا اثنين من المستثمرين متشابهة من حيث متطلبات التداول. تقدم أوبتيونرالي حساب ميني ترادينغ، حساب التداول القياسي، حساب التداول التنفيذي، حساب نادي فيب وحساب التداول الإسلامي.

تفاصيل المنصة العامة.

هو مدعوم من منصة التداول أوبتيونيرالي من قبل سبوتوبتيون وعلى شبكة الإنترنت. أنها لا تتطلب أي تحميل البرامج والتثبيت. تصميم المنصة هو أنيق مع عدم وجود ألوان مذهلة أو الرسوم المتحركة تشتيت. منصة التداول أوبتيونرالي متاحة باللغات الإنجليزية والعربية والتركية. كما يتوفر فريق دعم العملاء بهذه اللغات. فريق دعم العملاء يمكن الوصول إليه من خلال البريد الإلكتروني والهاتف والدردشة الحية، وهو متاح على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم، 7 أيام في الأسبوع.

تقدم أوبتيونرالي متوسط ​​قدره 78٪ دفع تعويضات على الصفقات الناجحة. وفي الوقت نفسه، أوبتيونيرالي يعطي 10٪ إلى 15٪ استرداد للخروج من المال الصفقات. تقدم أوبتيونرالي العديد من الأصول القابلة للتداول في الأسواق المختلفة بما في ذلك 17 أسهم، 19 مؤشر، 6 سلع و 13 زوجا من العملات. يمكن للمتداولين تداول هذه الأصول في 4 طرق تداول مختلفة بما في ذلك الخيارات الثنائية برو، أوبتيون بيلدر، وان توش و بينتا ميتا. وهناك أيضا مجموعة واسعة من أوقات انتهاء الصلاحية، والتي تعتمد على أساليب التداول التي اختارها التاجر.

الاشتراك في أوبتيونرالي مجاني. يمكن إعداد عملة الحساب أثناء الاشتراك، والتي يمكن أن تكون إما اليورو أو الدولار الأمريكي. الحد الأدنى للإيداع الأولي المطلوب لبدء التداول بعد الاشتراك هو 200 دولار. وهو أيضا الحد الأدنى للإيداع المطلوب. أوبتيونرالالي يدعم العديد من وسائل الإيداع بما في ذلك بطاقات السحب الآلي، وبطاقات الائتمان، ونقل الأسلاك و كاشو. A $ 200 وديعة هو شرط للحصول على حساب التداول المصغر. مبلغ الإيداع الذي يتراوح بين 1000 إلى 9999 دولار سيضع المتداولين في حساب من الدرجة العالية، والتي لديها امتيازات مجمعة. حسابات كبار الشخصيات تتطلب $ 10،000 الودائع. ويمكن إجراء عمليات السحب من خلال بطاقات الائتمان أو التحويل الإلكتروني. الحد الأدنى لمبلغ السحب هو 100 يورو / دولار أمريكي. يتم السحب من خلال بطاقات الائتمان مجانا، ولكن يتم ربط رسوم الخدمة 25 $ مع سحب الحوالات المصرفية. وقت الانسحاب هو 2 أيام عمل، وإضافة 5-10 أيام قبل وضع الأموال في حساب معين. يوفر أوبتيونرالالي مكافأة 30٪ على الودائع الأولية. تخضع هذه المكافأة لشروط وأحكام أوبتيونرالي.

أوبتيونرالي هو وسيط الخيارات الثنائية الموصى بها للغاية في السوق. توافر العديد من أنواع حسابات التداول هو مفيد لكثير من التجار. وهناك أيضا العديد من الأصول وطرق التداول وأوقات انتهاء الصلاحية التي تسمح للمتداولين بإجراء الصفقات بناء على متطلباتهم. ويوفر هذا الوسيط أيضا دعما استثنائيا للعملاء يساعد التجار على المضي قدما في التداول بثقة.

استعراض رالي الخيار.

الخيار رالي يقدم مجموعة من المكافآت لجميع عملائها بما في ذلك مكافآت ترحيب مثيرة للإعجاب لجميع مستويات الحساب. كما أنها توفر ممتازة التداول المتطورة البرمجيات التي هي بديهية بما يكفي حتى للمبتدئين لاستخدام والتعلم بسرعة. هذا الوسيط يقدم خطوط مساعدة العملاء في كل من قبرص والمملكة المتحدة ويمكن الاتصال عبر البريد الإلكتروني، نموذج الويب والدردشة الحية أيضا. هذا الوسيط يقدم أكثر من 150 نوعا من الأصول للتداول.

استعراض لمحة عامة.

المكافآت - 80٪

البرمجيات - 90٪

دعم العملاء - 65٪

خيارات الاختيار - 80٪

وسيط نوعية جيدة.

ملخص: وسيط موثوق به للغاية.

الخيار رالي هو وسيط الخيارات الثنائية على الانترنت الذي يقدم مجموعة رائعة من الأصول الأساسية للتداول. أنها توفر منصة التداول على شبكة الإنترنت المتقدمة، فضلا عن تطبيقات التداول المحمول، وأنها حريصة على مساعدة عملائها لتحقيق النجاح من خلال توفير مكتبة الموارد التعليمية المفيدة. وتهدف هذه الشركة المبتكرة لجعل تداول الخيارات الثنائية في متناول العملاء على جميع مستويات الخبرة، وقد تم توسيع قاعدة عملائها في جميع أنحاء العالم لسنوات عديدة.

معلومات الشركة.

الخيار رالي هي شركة مملوكة للقطاع الخاص مع قاعدتها في قبرص. تملكها وتشغلها أوبتيونرالي فينانسيال سيرفيسز لت، هذا وسيط هو مرخص ومرخص من قبل سيسيك لراحة البال لعملائها. من أجل الامتثال للوائح، هذا الوسيط يحافظ على جميع أموال العملاء في حسابات منفصلة للأمن في حالة حدوث أزمة مالية ويحمي جميع المعاملات التي تتم على موقعها على شبكة الإنترنت مع تشفير قوي المتطورة سل. كما يجب االلتزام بإجراءات االمتثال الصارمة فيما يتعلق بلوائح مكافحة غسيل األموال وتحديد العمالء.

الأصول المتاحة.

يوفر الخيار رالي أكثر من 150 الأصول الأساسية المختلفة للتداول عبر فئات العملات والأسهم والمؤشرات والسلع.

المكافآت & أمب؛ برامج كبار الشخصيات.

يمكن للعملاء الذين يسجلون لحساب تداول رالي الخيار الاستفادة من مكافأة ترحيب سخية، سواء كانوا فتح حساب أدنى مستوى أو أعلى. بالنسبة للحساب المصغر، يحصل العملاء على مكافأة ترحيبية قدرها 15٪ من ودائعهم، ثم يحصلون على مكافآت إضافية بنسبة 10٪ على جميع عمليات إعادة التوزيع. ويحصل العملاء الفضيون والعمال التنفيذيون وعمالء فيب على مكافأة ترحيب تصل إلى 25٪ من الإيداع الأولي بالإضافة إلى 10٪ مكافآت على جميع الودائع الأخرى، كما يستفيد عملاء التداول من كبار الشخصيات من العديد من المزايا مثل كونسيرج التداول الشخصي والوصول إلى النوادي الخاصة وغرف الدردشة وأدوات التداول الحصرية.

مثل معظم الخيارات الثنائية وسطاء اليوم، وقد وفرت رالي الخيار 100٪ على شبكة الإنترنت واجهة التداول بحيث العملاء ليس لديهم حاجة لتحميل أو تثبيت أي برامج التداول مكثفة الذاكرة التي تربطهم إلى جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بهم. مع منصة على شبكة الإنترنت، يمكن للعملاء الوصول إلى حسابهم من أي جهاز نشط الإنترنت تمكين في أي مكان في العالم وفي أي وقت، ويمكن تنفيذ الصفقات بسرعة أكبر من أي وقت مضى. الخيار رالي أيضا التطبيق المحمول التداول لتسهيل التداول من الهواتف الذكية، وأقراص الروبوت وأنظمة دائرة الرقابة الداخلية. هذه التطبيقات التجارية يمكن تحميلها مجانا وجعل وسيلة سهلة حقا وسريعة للوصول إلى حسابات التداول من كف يدك في أي وقت من النهار أو الليل.

الودائع والسحب.

الخيار رالي لديها العديد من الطرق التي يمكن للعملاء جعل وديعة بسرعة وسهولة. وتشمل هذه:

التحويلات المصرفية المحلية والدولية بطاقات الائتمان سكريل سافيشارج سوفورت Powercash21 أوبتيمال بايمنتس Ltd.

الحد الأدنى للمبلغ المقبول كدفع لحساب رالي الخيار هو 250 يورو.

السحب هي أيضا سريعة وسهلة للعمل من خلال العميل & # 8217؛ ق الحساب ويمكن أن يتم عن طريق سلك مصرفي أو بطاقة الائتمان. تتم معالجة طلبات السحب في نفس اليوم إذا تم استلامها بحلول الساعة 1 مساء بتوقيت جرينتش أو في يوم العمل التالي إذا تم استلامها بعد ذلك الوقت. وتستغرق عمليات سحب بطاقات الائتمان حوالي 5 إلى 10 أيام عمل يتم استلامها في حين يتم استلام التحويلات المصرفية عبر البريد الإلكتروني في غضون 9 أيام عمل.

يتقاضى رالي الخيار رسوم خدمة تتراوح بين 3 يورو و 25 يورو تبعا لنوع عملية السحب المنفذة والمبلغ الذي يتم سحبه. هناك مبلغ سحب أدنى قدره 100 يورو لعمليات التحويل الإلكتروني.

دعم العملاء.

يمكن الاتصال فريق خدمة العملاء رالي الخيار عبر عدد من الطرق بما في ذلك من خلال:

تتوفر خطوط مساعدة دعم العملاء من الساعة 7 صباحا وحتى الساعة 7 مساء بتوقيت جرينتش.

هناك خطوط هاتفية في كل من المملكة المتحدة وقبرص، وهناك 11 عنوان بريد إلكتروني مختلف لضمان توجيه الاستفسارات مباشرة إلى الفريق الأكثر صلة. وتشمل هذه العناوين ما يلي:

دعم العملاء استفسارات الموقع الفني استفسارات الإيداع الفنية استعلامات الانسحاب الفني النزاعات التجارية الامتثال التمويل الشركات التابعة مقترحات التعليم تطوير الأعمال.

الموقع متاح أيضا في 7 لغات:

وهناك أيضا قسم أسئلة متكررة مفيدة من الموقع الإلكتروني لمعالجة أي استفسارات بسيطة تشكل عادة.

ميزات اضافية والموارد.

الخيار رالي لديها قسم الموارد التعليمية مفيدة تهدف إلى مساعدة العملاء على جميع مستويات الخبرة لصقل مهاراتهم ومعرفة المزيد عن الأسواق المالية. هناك ندوات والدورات والكتب الإلكترونية للاختيار من بينها جميع تهدف إلى جميع المستويات من المبتدئين حتى لأولئك الذين لديهم الكثير من الخبرة الذين يرغبون في توسيع معارفهم وتحقيق أقصى قدر من فرص نجاحهم. هناك أيضا يومية وأسبوعية استعراض السوق، والتقويم الاقتصادي، وحتى الآن الأخبار المالية والرسوم البيانية التحليلية والرسوم البيانية لمساعدة التجار.

إذا كنت تفكر في اختيار الخيار رالي كما وسيط الخيارات الثنائية المفضل لديك، وهناك عدد من العوامل الإيجابية للنظر، ولكن هناك أيضا بعض العيوب أيضا:

برامج التداول المتطورة التي هي مناسبة للاستخدام من قبل كل من التجار من ذوي الخبرة والمبتدئين 100٪ واجهة التداول عبر الإنترنت التي تتطلب أي منشآت أو التنزيلات التطبيق التداول المحمول لكل من أجهزة الروبوت ودائرة الرقابة الداخلية دعم العملاء الفوري عبر خطوط الدردشة منشأة دردشة حية في كل من قبرص والمملكة المتحدة متعدد اللغات الموقع الموارد التعليمية المجانية للعملاء على جميع مستويات الخبرة بما في ذلك الكتب والدروس تشفير سل قوي عبر الموقع سيسيك ينظم حسابات منفصلة تتوفر مكافآت ترحيبية لجميع حسابات كبار الشخصيات العملاء مع مزايا إضافية ومزايا أدوات تحليلية أخبار السوق والتقويم الاقتصادي 150 الأصول للاختيار من حسابات التداول الإسلامي المتاحة.

ساعات محدودة عند توفر الدعم.

لا يكلف أي شيء للتسجيل مع الخيار رالي؟

العميل ليس لديه لدفع رسوم للتسجيل مع الخيار رالي وليس هناك رسوم خفية للقلق حول.

هل أموالي آمنة مع الخيار رالي؟

الخيار رالي هو سيسيك منظم وسيط مرخص حتى تتمكن من التأكد من أن أموالك في أيد أمينة. يتم حماية جميع المعاملات عن طريق تشفير سل وأموال العملاء كما عقدت في حسابات منفصلة. هناك لوائح صارمة حول الامتثال التي يجب الالتزام بها، بحيث يمكن للعملاء أن تطمئن إلى أن بياناتهم الشخصية والمالية آمنة.

هل هناك أنواع حساب مختلفة مع رالي الخيار؟

يوفر الخيار رالي أربعة أنواع حساب مختلفة للعملاء على جميع مستويات الخبرة. هناك حساب صغير، حساب الفضة، حساب تنفيذي وحساب كبار الشخصيات، وكلها تقدم ميزات مختلفة، ولكن كل ذلك يأتي مع مكافأة ترحيب من 15٪ أو 25٪ والوصول إلى استعراض السوق الأسبوعية واليومية، فضلا عن 10٪ إضافية مكافأة على جميع الودائع المستقبلية. كما توفر الحسابات ذات المستوى العالي مزايا إضافية مثل حساب الحساب الشخصي، ونصائح التداول اليومية المجانية، وكتاب إلكتروني مجاني، ودورة واحدة إلى جلسة مع خبير. وهناك أيضا حساب إسلامي يتوافق مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية ولا يدفع أي فائدة على المناصب التي تعقد بين عشية وضحاها.

هل يوفر رالي الخيار موارد تعليمية؟

العديد من السماسرة اليوم تقدم الكتب والدورات لعملائها من أجل توسيع معارفهم في الأسواق المالية. الخيار رالي أيضا القيام بذلك ولها ندوات وكتب إلكترونية ودورات الفيديو تهدف إلى كل من المبتدئين والتجار أكثر تقدما لمساعدتهم على صقل مهاراتهم ومعرفة المزيد عن كيفية أن تكون ناجحة. وهناك أيضا مسرد من شروط التداول التي وجدت عادة بحيث يمكن للمبتدئين رؤية في لمحة كل المفردات الأكثر صلة. قسم الأسئلة المتداولة من الموقع أيضا يعطي الكثير من المعلومات الأساسية حول أساسيات تداول الخيارات الثنائية بحيث يمكنك النزول إلى بداية جيدة.

أفضل وسطاء الخيارات الثنائية.

مقالات مفيدة.

أفضل وسيط التعليم.

تحذير المخاطر.

رأس مالك معرض للخطر. التجارة بحذر، هذه المنتجات قد لا تكون مناسبة للجميع لذلك تأكد من فهم المخاطر المعنية.


مراجعة أوبتيونرالي.

أوبتيونرالي عنوان جديد يظهر الآن على حد سواء cysec. gov و أوبتيونرالي: 1، شارع غريفا ديجيني، زافوس كريل المحكمة، سي-3035 ليماسول، قبرص. ومع ذلك، وفقا لبلومبرغ، يتم تسجيل أوبتيونرالي للخدمات المالية المحدودة في: 280، أناستاسي سيوكري ومكاريوس أفينو، لوردوس المركزية المحكمة 1، الطابق 6TH، مكتب NO.16 ليماسول، 3105 قبرص. الوكالة التنظيمية هي هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصة القبرصية ورقم الترخيص هو 220/13، التي تم الحصول عليها في 07/11/2018. رقم تأسيس الشركة هو 301842 ورقم هاتفها المدرج هو 22 030 117. يتم تشغيل أوبتيونرالي بواسطة أوبتيونرالي فينانسيال سيرفيسز ليميتد الذي يحل محل الاسم السابق تسم إنفستمينتس لت وقبل ذلك؛ تيفوزي للاستثمارات المحدودة

هو أوبتيونرالي عملية احتيال؟

لا أستطيع أن تقرر 100٪ إذا أوبتيونرالي هو عملية احتيال أو لا، على الرغم من انهم على ما يبدو تنظيم وشرعي. التطورات الأخيرة قد نالت انتباهنا: منذ التحديث الجديد لموقعه على الانترنت، لم يتم عرض المبالغ المطلوبة لأنواع مختلفة من الحسابات بعد الآن سيكون لديك للتحدث إلى أحد ممثليهم للحصول على معلومات دقيقة ... ولكن على استعداد لعدم الحصول على ذلك معلومات قبل فتح حساب.

انهم يحبون أيضا للحفاظ على عملائها في الظلام ... في الغالب. أنها لا تخبر كم العميل يحتاج إلى إيداع من أجل فتح كل نوع من أنواع الحساب وعلى مدى الشروط والأحكام أنها تترك مجالا كبيرا للتفسير، وبالتالي عموما أشعر أنني أتعامل مع شركة زلقة. ومع ذلك، يتم تنظيمها من قبل سيسيك حتى يكون لديهم على الأقل كمية صغيرة من الإشراف ولكن كما نعلم جميعا، سيسيك ليست الأكثر خوفا من الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة، لذلك لا أستطيع أن يكون متحمسا بشكل مفرط بشأن تنظيمها.

تحديث فبراير 2017: يمكننا أن نرى أن الشكاوى المتعلقة الانسحابات لا تزال تأتي جديدة في أكوام. وعلاوة على ذلك، فإن حركة المرور إلى مجالاتهم، Optionrally. dk، أوبتيونيرالي، Optionrally. eu و Optionrally. ae تبدو غير منتظمة ومنخفضة نسبيا بالنسبة لوسيط يفترض أن يكون كبيرا جدا. ومع ذلك كان هناك ذروة كبيرة في أكتوبر 2018 مباشرة بعد أن تم تغريمها من قبل سيسيك. سواء كان هذا خطوة تسويقية ثقيلة في أكتوبر لدفع غرامات سيسيك يمكننا التكهن فقط على & # 8211؛ ولكن ربط النقاط، قضايا الانسحاب والغرامات سيسيك، يمكننا أن نفترض فقط أسوأ!

المحرر & # 8217؛ s ملاحظة & # 8211؛ لماذا تمتص أوبتيونرالي في 50 كلمة.

في المرة الأخيرة التي راجعنا فيها هذا الوسيط كانت شكواي الوحيدة هي منصة التداول الصغيرة جدا، وربما متوسط ​​العائد المنخفض. تقريبا. 6 أشهر في وقت لاحق، أشعر بخيبة أمل كبيرة مع كمية الشكاوى المتعلقة بالسحب والتسعير والدعم وشروط المكافأة. في الأساس، كل ما يمكن للتاجر أن يشكو من ... ليست علامة جيدة عندما العملاء الحاليين اقول لكم على البقاء بعيدا عن وسيط.

لماذا لا تمتص أوبتيونرالي في 50 كلمة.

أوبتيونرالي لديها واحدة من أفضل المواد التعليمية التي رأيتها من أي وقت مضى في وسيط ثنائي، بدءا من أشرطة الفيديو مجانا إلى مسرد شامل، تحليل السوق اليومية والأسبوعية وبعض استراتيجيات جيدة في الواقع. انها حقا يشعر مثل هذا الوسيط يريد مني أن تنجح، وليس مجرد ملء رأسي مع حماقة. ممتاز لذلك. آخر الخبر السار هو أن أوبتيونرالي ينظم الآن من قبل سيسيك وأنها قد حدثت مؤخرا مظهر موقعها على الانترنت، مما يجعلها أكثر فلاشارة، في رأيي. سواء كنت ترغب في ذلك أم لا، والامر متروك لكم لاتخاذ قرار.

هل يجب فتح حساب مع أوبتيونرالي؟

أوبتيونرالي & # 8217؛ ق منصة هي تقنية سبوتوبتيون تنفيذها بشكل جيد جدا وجميع المعلومات متاحة بسهولة في ما سرعان ما أصبح واضحا أن يكون موقع منظمة تنظيما جيدا. بمجرد فتح حساب، أصبحت منصة التداول الفعلية أكبر وأصبحت جميع معالمه مرئية: 60 ثانية، لمسة واحدة، منشئ الخيار والميتا الثنائية. كما أصبحت الأصول أسهل لاختيار وعموما، شعرت مثل بيئة تجارية مهنية. أعلى عائد تقدمه هو 81٪ محترم ويمكن استرداد تصل إلى 15٪ ولكن يمكن تعديلها على حد سواء من خلال ميزة منشئ الخيار. مرة أخرى، ليس شروط التداول سيئة، ولكن ليست استثنائية سواء. أوبتيونرالي يميز حسابات التداول على أساس الحد الأدنى المودعة المبلغ شخصيا أجد أن تكون خدعة التسويق، إغراء لكم مع أعلى إيداع أول مكافأة، كتاب إلكتروني أو مدير حساب مخصص إذا قمت بإيداع أكثر. هذه هي الميزات التي تقدمها معظم السماسرة حتى بالنسبة للإيداع الحد الأدنى، ولكن أوبتيونرالي يريد مني أن إيداع ما لا يقل عن 1000 $ إذا كنت تريد مدير حساب أو كتاب إلكتروني. وعلاوة على ذلك، لديهم حساب اسمه "التنفيذي" الذي يتطلب مني أن إيداع أي مبلغ في حدود $ 5000 - $ 9999 ويقول أنه "ينصح بشدة للمبتدئين". واسمحوا لي أن أختلف. هذا النطاق من الإيداع الأول هو وسيلة عالية جدا لمبتدئ و أوبتيونرالي يجب أن نعرف أفضل من أن يوصي شيء من هذا القبيل للمبتدئين. في زيارة حديثة لاحظنا أنهم أزالوا من موقعهم الإلكتروني المعلومات المتعلقة بالمبلغ المطلوب لفتح كل نوع من أنواع الحسابات. قد يعني ذلك أنهم يريدون تغييرها أو ببساطة أنهم لا يريدون أن يعرف أي شخص هذه المبالغ (أي فكرة لماذا لا يريدون أن يكون هذا الجمهور). تحديث يناير 2018: اتصلت دعمهم للحصول على المبالغ المحددة المطلوبة لكل حساب والجواب لم يكن مفاجئا على الإطلاق: كانوا يريدون معرفة رقم حسابي وعندما قلت لهم ليس لدي واحد أنها أعطاني وصلة إلى فتح واحد ... دوه. مجرد التفكير في ذلك: العميل - رجل، ما هو الحد الأدنى للإيداع ليقول ... حساب تنفيذي؟ دعم العملاء - مهلا، لماذا لا تفتح واحدة وانظر بعد ذلك!؟

تحديث سبتمبر 2018: المبالغ لكل حساب لا تزال غير معروفة ولكن على الأقل نسب المكافأة أو الإيداع الأولي متاحة: 15٪ للحساب المصغر، و 25٪ للمعيار والتنفيذية، في حين أن حساب فيب سوف تستفيد من العلاوات المخصصة. سوف تتلقى جميع الودائع المترتبة على ذلك مكافأة بنسبة 10٪.

طيب، أنا أنقذت أفضل لآخر. هذه الميزة هي الأولى بالنسبة لي عندما يتعلق الأمر وسطاء ثنائي: الرسوم البيانية شمعدان. هل يمكن أن نبدأ أن نرى وسطاء التأكيد في الواقع على أهمية التحليل الفني والاعتراف مزاياه؟ تصبح الميزة متاحة بمجرد فتح حساب، دون الحاجة إلى الإيداع ولكن لا تحصل على متحمس جدا حتى الآن: لا يمكنك إرفاق أي مؤشرات على الرسوم البيانية الأساسية، ولا يمكنك حتى رسم خط الاتجاه بسيط أو مستوى S / R. هذا بدائي لدرجة أنني اضطررت إلى التحقق من التقويم الخاص بي للتأكد من أنني في عام 2018. ولكن ماذا أفعل هنا؟ عندما يمكنني ببساطة استخدام أحدث ميزة. "الرسوم البيانية المتقدمة" التي تسمح لك لتخصيصها لاستراتيجية والاحتياجات الخاصة بك. على الأقل أوبتيونرالي يحاول التقدم قليلا وأن في كتابي جدير بالثناء. ممتاز مرة أخرى. تحديث أغسطس 2018: المخططات المتقدمة الخاصة بهم لا تعمل بعد الآن والنقر على الرابط يحصل فقط لك رسالة خطأ. يمكن أن يكون مشكلة مؤقتة ولكن لا يمكننا قضاء كل وقتنا على موقع أوبتيونرالي على الانترنت لمعرفة متى يقررون إصلاح أحد ميزاتها. إذا كان في وقت مراجعة ميزة لا يعمل، ثم أنها لا تحصل على أي نقاط المكافأة لذلك. تحديث يناير 2018: لا، الرسوم البيانية المتقدمة لا تزال "مفقودة في العمل". كل ما تحصل عليه هو رسالة ممنوع. ربما أحتاج إلى حساب مباشر وممول؟

تحديث يناير 2017: الرسوم البيانية تعمل مرة أخرى، هلا! هناك الكثير من المؤشرات وحتى الأساسيات داخل منصة الرسم البياني التي تعمل بسلاسة.

ذهب الدعم عبر الهاتف أوبتيونرالي حاليا في عام 2018، وضعت الشركة من ما يصل إلى 120 موظفا، وفقا ل ماغنيتس المالية. وقد ذكر ممثلو أوبتيونرالي أن الشركة تمر بعملية إعادة تنظيم، وذكرت مصادر في هذه الصناعة أن الشركة قد تتطلع إلى أتمتة عملياتها بالكامل للامتثال لمتطلبات سيسيك وهذا ما حدث. أصبح أوبتيونرالي أيضا المورد الرسمي ل سكوديريا فيراري. هذا هو واحد من أكبر الشراكات في صناعة الخيارات الثنائية، لذلك يبدو أن أوبتيونرالي تقوم بشكل جيد ... أو ربما أطلقوا 120 موظفا لدفع ثمن الشعار على F1 فيراري.

الشكاوى أوبتيونرالي.

وفقا لبعض الشكاوى على شبكة الإنترنت، يبدو أن أوبتيونرالي يغلق الحسابات التي تظهر الربح تحت ذريعة أنماط التداول المسيئة. أنا لا أعرف ما هي هذه الأنماط أو كيف أوبتيونرالي يقرر ما إذا كانت أنماط الخاص بك هو مسيء أو لا ولكن يبدو أنهم لا يحبون حقا الفائزين. لدينا أوبتيونرالي مراجعة الصفحة مليئة العملاء غاضبين ولكن بعض الآراء أيضا لصالح الوساطة لذلك قد ترغب في التحقق من ذلك للحصول على يشعر ما يقوله الناس عن هذه الوساطة. إذا كنت تشعر بأنك قد تعرضت لسوء المعاملة، اتصل أوبتيونرالي وإذا لم يتم حل المشكلة، استخدم هذا الرابط لتقديم شكوى مع الوكالة التنظيمية، سيسيك.

تحديث سبتمبر 2018: وفقا لبعض المستخدمين، أوبتيونرالي يستخدم تكتيكات الضغط العالي وأصبحت مصدر إزعاج لعملائها الحاليين والمحتملين. المشاكل الأخرى هي قضايا الانسحاب والتلاعب الأسعار. ومع ذلك، هذه هي جميع الادعاءات حتى تثبت.

الإعلانات والتحذيرات التنظيمية أوبتيونرالي.

30.09.2018: تغريم سيسيك أوبتيونرالي مبلغ 138000 يورو لعدم الامتثال في العديد من التشريعات مثل: عدم التصرف الفشل، بصراحة ومهنية فيما يتعلق شروط المكافأة والشروط أو المعلومات على الموقع لم تكن عادلة وواضحة و كانت مضللة. المصدر: قرار مجلس سيسيك بدب.

23.1.2018: تحذر شركة الخدمات المالية لجزر فرجن البريطانية (أوبترالالي) والشركة التي تديرها (الاسم السابق تيفوزي إنفستمينتس لت) من ادعاء زعم أنها مرخصة ومنظمة في الجزر. المصدر: بفي فسك إشعار.

أوبتيونرالي مكافأة.

تختلف مكافآتهم لكل نوع من أنواع الحسابات، حيث تتراوح بين 15٪ من قيمة الإيداع الأول لحساب ميني ترادينغ وتصل إلى 25٪ لحساب فيب. كما أن لديهم مكافآت إضافية أصغر حجما لكل إيداع مستقبلي. لسحب مبلغ المكافأة عليك أن تتاجر خمسين (50) مرة من المكافأة في 150 يوما فقط وفقا لشروطها & # 038؛ الظروف. ولكن إذا كنت تتلقى بعض المكافآت "الخاصة"، وحجم لديك لزيادة التجارة وانها ترتبط مباشرة لنوع المكافأة التي تتلقاها. للأسف هذه المعلومات غير متوفرة في "الشروط والأحكام" وقدمت لي من قبل دعم العملاء، حقيقة أن أجد مزعجة لأنها يمكن تغييره في أي وقت قائلا أن الشخص دعم العملاء ارتكب خطأ. لمزيد من المعلومات حول المكافآت والسحب، يرجى الرجوع إلى القسم 32 من الشروط والأحكام الخاصة بهم.

تحديث سبتمبر 2018: وفقا لشروط وأحكام، "يتم استبعاد دوران ولدت من وضع تداول النقد الاجنبى ولا يمكن اعتبارها دوران صالح". وأعتقد أن الإشارة إلى عقود الفروق (كفد) ك "وضع تداول العملات الأجنبية" ولكن سيكون لديك لتأكيد ذلك مع واحد من ممثليهم.

أوبتيونرالي الانسحاب.

انسحابات حاسمة لنجاح التداول وآمل أن توافق. أوبتيونرالي يسمح لك لسحب عن طريق بطاقة الائتمان أو التحويل الإلكتروني والحد الأدنى للمبلغ هو 100 $. ويقومون بمعالجة طلب سحب الأموال خلال 48 ساعة، ولكن قد يستغرق الأمر ما يصل إلى 5 إلى 9 أيام حتى يصل المبلغ إلى حسابك المصرفي ولغاية 10 أيام عمل إذا اخترت السحب من خلال بطاقة الائتمان. الرسوم هي كما يلي، نيتيلر 2٪، سكريل 1٪، سافيشارج أي رسوم، Powercahs21 أي رسوم. التحويل البنكي، من 3 حتى 25 € اعتمادا على المبلغ الذي يتم سحبه، ويمكن الاطلاع على القائمة الكاملة تحت "أوبتيونرالي شروط الاستخدام" على موقعهم.

أوبتيونرالي إضافات.

بالنسبة لي الرسوم البيانية شمعدان اختيارية تقع في فئة "اضافية"، كما أنها أول وسيط ثنائي التي جئت عبر أن يقدم هذا النوع من الرسم البياني. ومن الجدير بالذكر هو استعراض السوق اليومي، وهو في الواقع حتى الآن، وأنها لا تغذي لي بعض التنبؤ السوق 5 أيام من العمر. لم أستطع حقا استخدام ذلك، هل يمكنني؟

تحديث سبتمبر 2018: لم تعد تحديثات دايلي ماركيت محدثة والميزات المذكورة أعلاه لم تعد إضافات، بالنظر إلى أن العديد من السماسرة في الوقت الحاضر تقدم لهم. ومع ذلك، أوبتيونرالي أدخلت مؤخرا التداول كفد وهذا هو ميزة اضافية.

تقييمات أوبتيونرالي.

منصة سبوتوبتيون يقوم بعمل جيد مرة أخرى و أوبتيونرالي يقدم كمية كبيرة من المعلومات والمواد التعليمية. تقريبا كل الأشياء اللازمة لخلق بيئة تجارية مهنية موجودة وسهلة الوصول إليها. على الجانب السلبي، صفحة الأسئلة الشائعة قصيرة جدا ويفتقد معلومات قابلة للحياة. متوفر في 7 لغات.

تحديث سبتمبر 2018: قسم الأسئلة الشائعة الخاصة بهم هو الآن أكبر وأفضل، مع الكثير من المعلومات منظم لطيف.

عدد الأصول ومواعيد انتهاء الصلاحية 16/20.

ويتكون مؤشر أصولها من 27 زوجا من العملات، و 2 من السلع الأساسية، و 14 من الأسهم، و 3 من المؤشرات، و 1 من الزوجين (الذهب مقابل الفضة). وعلينا أن نلاحظ أنه منذ زيارتنا الأخيرة، انخفض مؤشر أصولها بشكل كبير، باستثناء أزواج العملات، والتي هي الآن أكثر من ذي قبل. وتتراوح أوقات انتهاء الصلاحية من 60 ثانية إلى 24 ساعة، أسبوعيا، شهريا، سنويا ومع إمكانية التداول خيارات بلمسة واحدة.

اللجان والدعم والعودة الفعالة 16/20.

لا تتقاضى أوبتيونرالي أي عمولة لفتح حساب أو إيداع ولكن هناك رسوم خدمة تتراوح بين 3 و 25 يورو لسحب التحويلات البنكية اعتمادا على المبلغ المطلوب. الدعم سريع للرد ومهذبا ولكنهم يحاولون تجنب بعض الأسئلة الهامة. العائد هو بحد أقصى 81٪، اعتمادا على الأصول ونوع الخيار (لمسة واحدة يمكن أن ترتفع إلى 400٪ العودة)، لذلك لا واحدة من أفضل المتاحة، ولكن جيدة بما فيه الكفاية.

تحديث سبتمبر 2018:. دردشة الدعم هو مهذبا ولكن غير مفيد تماما لأنه عندما سألت ما هو الحد الأدنى الانسحاب، وقال لي شخص دردشة لفتح حساب ... انها مثل كنا نتحدث لغات مختلفة.

الإيداع والدفع والمكافأة 12/20.

الحد الأدنى للإيداع هو $ 250 ويمكن القيام به من خلال بطاقة الائتمان أو التحويل الإلكتروني. إذا كنت ترغب في إيداع المزيد في حسابك، فإن الحد الأدنى لإعادة الإيداع هو 250 دولارا والتي أعتبرها مرتفعة جدا. الحد الأدنى للانسحاب هو 100 دولار. المكافأة تختلف (15٪ - 100٪) وفقا لنوع الحساب الذي فتحت وعليك أن تتداول 50 أضعاف مبلغ المكافأة إذا كنت ترغب في سحبه. في البنود & # 038؛ الشروط التي ذكر أنها تحتاج إلى إنشاء هذا الحجم في غضون 150 يوما! هذا لا يترك لك الكثير من الوقت للتعليم كما كنت في حاجة لبدء التداول على الفور.

الرسوم البيانية الشمعدان هي إضافة كبيرة وذلك هو تحليل السوق اليومي. تداول أزواج (الذهب مقابل الفضة على سبيل المثال) من شأنه أن يجعل كبيرة اضافية، ولكن في الوقت الحاضر جميع الوسطاء تقريبا تقدم تداول الزوج حتى لا أستطيع تضمينه في هذه الفئة. الكثير من المواد التعليمية.

Update September 2018: CFD trading has been introduced and currently we categorize it as an extra.

OptionRally Ratings 78 + Regulated (+3) – *Low User Rating (-5) = 76/100.

Well after signing up and depositing 200 they rang me and insisted I deposit more. Now I know why. Once you deposit 1000 they hook you with a bonus making it so you cannot withdraw. then when I tested the platform, it is a very smart setup. once you enter a trade you cant get out of it like fx. This is basically a betting website, and who can tell me who wins in the casino? The casino! And because fx bounces up and down, if you try to scope out a long forecast, the price changes, which to me says SCAM. Basically you can’t win unless you just get lucky.

Good work OptionRally!

But to every one else, steer clear of them. If you want to trade, use a well known broker, and just trade fx, at least you can get out of a trade if it starts to go against you or hedge your trade. And a good broker won’t be adjusting the price feeds to suit their needs.

What you basically is saying that you’re not a very bright person to say the least. The bonus can’t tie up your account but only the bonus sum for a withdrawal and that is understandable. You could always withdraw your original deposit sum (as long as you have it in your account) but the bonus has to be turned over the number of times equal to the percentage of bonus on top of your original deposit. It is like that everywhere. Your comment is childish as you calling them a scam while I suspect you’re actually having your own agenda. I am trading with them since Phixer and SportsMavin began to and never ever had any problems with anything. All I gotta do is talk to my account manager and he makes me feel like I own optionrally – so what are you basically talking about? Optionrally is like any other binary options trading company only with better service. Ces tu.

Brokers give you the bonus money and claim free money, but read the fine print, you have to trade 30 times the amount of the bonus to get that money and most brokers even tell you after the fact, if you get the bonus money you CANNOT WITHDRAWAL ANY OF YOUR MONEY until you make the number of trades(it seems it is this way with most brokers)so if you deposit $500 get $200 bonus you cannot withdrawal ANY money until you make at least $6,000 worth of trades.

You actually don’t have to take the bonus!

The best way is to deposit the minimum required so you don’t have to wait that long to be able to withdraw.

Then periodically deposit to make your investment more fruitful, however, I’d first make for sure that the broker is regulated; read the info in small print, coz not all brokers require 20 or 30 times the deposit for you to be allowed to withdraw! Check the different review sites, like StatsCrop; binaryoptionsthatsuck; website. informer; WOT; Alexa… and then choose a trustworthy broker.

Once you’re sure your broker is honest, get a deal with them to get daily signals, they usually ask you to deposit $500, $1000 or more for it.

Or you find yourself a software that gives you signals you can use to trade manually or one that trades for you on autopilot. The free softwares aren’t very accurate, some can cause you to lose money.

Good luck, Chris.

thank you for the solid advice Chris, how are you doing? which platform are you using? Are you a full time trader or you do this part time?

Well, after all I read, I can only say I stopped receiving indicators, no answers to my mails and the impossibility of making the withdrawl of 247 euros when I made a deposit of 250. Politely I asked for explanations… zero answer! But in the beginning all was wonderful – personal broker, daily indicators….Haven’t aI got the reasons to get suspicious?

I experience the same at OPTION RALLY, I think they are all the same. they will tell you that only 5% they will get on the winning trade, when Im trying to withdraw the profit they will approve only 50% of your amount of withdrawal from the winning trade.

I am a new on trading I did not deposit big amount, I was thinking if I can trust this company then that is the time I can deposit a big amount.

I won a loads of trade then they put in my account t my available withdrawal amount £975.00 they only gave me £300.00 pounds then they took all the money in my balance account. I tried to contact them thru chat live. and they told me that the manager will contact to me. no one return my call.

other bad experience is the same to Marcus complain.

I move to Titan Trading instead but still not sure to this broker, they will advice to withdraw the winning trade but still you cannot withdraw the full amount because of the active bonus, PLEASE DON’T EVEN BOTHER TO INVEST TO OPTION RALLY.




For me the optional candlestick charts fall into the “Extra” category, as they are the first binary broker that I came across that offers this kind of chart. A noteworthy extra is the daily market review, which is actually up to date and they don’t feed me some market prediction 5 days old. I couldn’t really use that, could I? Option Rally also offers Pairs trading but they don’t explain how that works so I am not going to take any guesses but it could be a nice extra if they would enlighten their customers about the usage of the feature.

I like so many others have been sucked into these scammers the Finace adviser I was given ( Leon Bale) has proved to be the most inefficient useless adviser I have ever known(though not from the Company point of view). Had I dealt in exactly the opposite way to his forecasts I would now be in the money.

sounds like someone knows a lot about option rally heres the truth i know. they are the best scam artists ever they fancy talk you hook you up with an account manager who gets rude to you when you ask for a withdrawal and about bonus they give bonus but dont really say what is bonus?? and there’s no information in website about turnover you need to reach in order to withdraw only your account manager knows it he lie about the turnover? different amount of turnover each day. I’m being really honest this broker is sooo shitt. customer service is useless and they are so rude when you ring them they hang up they put some music on and dont answer. sooooo shit . dont eer get trapped in this broker.

My US$9500 2nd deposits was unwithdrawable..that’s a lie when in fact they attached to the Bullshit Bonus so that I can’t withdraw my deposits which I never traded again after my Senior Manager Saul Goodman loss all my guided trade with him.

sounds very much like you work for OptionRally ,

If enough people can get together for a multi million class action, to not only get out money back, but with interest and penalties.

Sent a wire for 4738 US dollars on Mar 21 2018 still has not shown in my account have asking questions and receive no reply so I do not think this place is legit and they steal your money.

حدث الشيء نفسه بالنسبة لي. They made me deposit up to £3500 and I told them I need to withdraw £2000 out of my account they said I can’t do it cos of the bonus which I didn’t know they have added and was not aware if it and this is soo annoying my account manager said he will sort this out but it’s been 21 days or probably more he didn’t seems to contact me or solve my problem I had to get my bank involve in it.

I have been trying to make a withdrawal for weeks. They want me to send them identification papers for a withdrawal on my credit card and are refusing to give me my money back. They have no problems taking my money without me sending copies of my credit card, passport & utility bills. I feel that this is not appropriate and leaves me open for identity theft. I didn’t make any money with them but lost consistently and this was using the “tips” given by the brokers. I would not recommend them to anyone.

Hi, to withdraw, it is always need to send them identity to verify that you are a real person. everyone binary trading need that. it’s good that you stay away from binary options, so millionaire will be few..hehe.

You sound like a faggot from the company. What type of dumbass would respond in this manner? Either: 1) A person from the company or 2) Some uneducated dumbass that can’t speak proper English.

Every broker will ask you to send a photocopy of your ID, plus a copy of the credit card you used to make your initial deposit.

You have to mask the first 12 digits of your cc number and your 3 digit number on the back of the card, photocopy both sides making sure all corners are visible!

If the copy machine crops the corners, draw a rectangular line on a blank page, about 5 mil. around the card perimeter, so yr copy machine will copy the lines and won’t crop the corners of your credit card. If your credit card doesn’t work, some brokers will tell you: “Hey, just give me your credit card number, our payment specialist will try to make the deposit for you” Don’t let them do that! Never quote your credit card details to anyone!

kind regards, Chris.

I thought I had found a good trading platform after reading good reviews about optionrally but it is not what it seems. After depositing a minimum amount my broker kept putting pressure that I needed to deposit more money in order to get more benefits. unfortunately had no money to deposit and he suddenly stopped providing me with daily reviews. Anyway I felt that I do not like trading with them and wanted to close my account and get what is due to me or the money I deposited guess what it has been more than three weeks now. They told me that I could not withdraw a certain amount based on the deposit policy I need to continue trading more. Even though I reduced the amount to what is due to me they are just not responding to me. instead I am now receiving more daily reviews than ever. I really thought they were for real but now I realize my mistake they are not to be trusted.

Do not ever trust these guys. They have so many glitches that simply make you lose. I rmb doing a put and guess what the current level just sprung up by a 100 points. The funny thing is that the expiry rate went up by a 100 as well. But here’s the catch the expiry rate resets later so there is no way you can win.

### Warning. This is a potential Spam ###

I have an account at optionrally for months and have not a single complain about anything whatsoever. You guys must be kidding. Such a bunch of losers… or may that guy up there saying you work for someone else may be right. الضحك بصوت مرتفع.

I am also a victim of Option rally.

1. I deposited 1000USD first ….they promised me , good training and every month can make atleast 700 with my investment of 1000 USD.

All are bullshit…..Its nothing but gambling…..and they cheated me and looted my money…..unknowingly I deposited another 2000…which was also looted by them…..

if we win two trades consecutively…they will make sure that we lose more…..i. e if you enter a gold trade, say call….60 seconds, the entry point will be 100 points more than what you see on screen. so 99.999999999999999% you would lose the trade for sure.

if you choose PUT option, the entry rate will be 100 points less than what you see on the screen.

I had spoken to customer care…they asked me to use googlechrome instead of internet explorer….funny.

its really cheating …….hard earned money goes like this….I cant tolerate….what to do..cant do anything now as I had lost 3000 USD……

my adivse don’t believe any binary options trader and if you do start with 200 and try to take your money if you gain ……

الضحك بصوت مرتفع. What companies are you work for guys? Or you just losers?

thx guys i almost traded with optionrally but reading this i will not waist my money on them. What is the best trading platform to use then.

Well i changed my mind…thank you all for seeing itas it is….an other way for some guys to get money from hard working people…i realy looking for work at home but think i pass this.

مهلا! The very website you’re commenting on: binaryoptionsthatsuck has a complete list of all regulated brokers and most other brokers too with all their characteristics, advantages and drawbacks.

You can look up the site’s stats on website. informer, on Alexa, on WOT and StatsCrop.

### Warning. This is a potential Spam ###

i am trading with optionrally for a while now as well as most prominent signalers and those who have been following me know very well who i am. all i gotta say that anyone who says that couldn’t withdraw money or deposited and never saw it – is either a lair or stupid. come on guys – write something of substance – not bs like that.

### Warning. This is a potential Spam ###

Anybody saying something as negative as few guys here not for real. I am trading at optionrally since March 2018, I like their courtesy, guiding thought and especially the way they sort out all the mess of financial news through their daily DMR’s - Amy’s videos which review the market daily and giving a an idea as what to trade. I already had 3 withdrawals with absolutely no problem.

### Warning. This is a potential Spam ###

I came here because I saw phixer commenting here, great signals mister phixer and for all their comments against optionrally…Ha Ha Ha, you must be losers. Not able to withdrew? did not see you deposit? how old are you anyway, 12?

### Warning. This is a potential Spam ###

i have a very good experience with them, my broker Sam is very patient even with my poor computer skills.

bianryoptionsthatsuck is making such good service and then come all those biased people who complain about ridiculous things that everyone knows that is not the truth. Can’t withdraw? هل حقا؟ I withdrew and deposited more times than I care to remember and there was not even a single problem or delay in process. The guy who complains that he deposited and never saw the money. Are you for real expect us to believe that? Optionrally is reliable trading house which prides itself in its service. And how can you be that stupid to think someone believes such stories? I know one thing – it is important to know what you do trade wise and if you’re good at that no matter where you trade – you will always make money. I like optionrally because of the people I follow their trades – they trade there and I like to be synced to them. GL to all.

They do not accept traders from USA.

The advises they give are really poor. As a newbie on the binary trading i just followed them and only one advise (the first) turnout to be a winner. After confronting my so called manager wiht these results he just said i/ve had to communicate more and i should put more money in so we should go for long term options. I may be stupid for following their advise like a sheep but i’m not that stupid, so i refused. Because i could. nt get my money out cause of their bonus i made an appointment to ‘communicate’just before deadline of closure (talking about the last 5th advise). And what happened? He was offline out the time of our appointment and i lost again (1500USD. Since i got an account i have had 5 so called different managers who seems to change at random. Till now i. ve asked them more than 10 times already to destroy my account and stop harassing me but but they keep on sending me advises. SO: DON’t DEAL WITH THEM.

Dear sir, I have created an account at optionally and i am a complete beginner and need help, so as I can manage to trade. I already funded my account with around 180$ to begin and need help to login my account and start with it. i created my account either with address sunnyatch@icloud or sunnyatch@yahoo and my phone number is 23057047114,it would be great if you could give me a call. Thanks in advance, Regards Sundeep.

suckered me into the dealing room and then when I told my “account manager “”har har that I didn’t have any more money to give him he just did a row of loosing trade s a stole my money. Was never informed that you had to turnover a certain amount before you could get any money back. When you try and withdraw nothings seems to happen. Tried to tell me that they are regulated, I would like to know by who.

You were letting your account manager trade for you?

Hello would warn of the broker OptionRally is impossible to draw money. I have an account with $ 2,000.

Automatically deny all withdrawals and do not allege any reason.

From the beginning was all very confusing and nothing changing light conditions as were seeing the results of trade.

I was offered $ 1,000 to enter 5 available risk transactions .

I ordered the conditions of this offer in writing and I just sent a mail attached , which indicates that only give me 5 risk free operations .

Operate for a few days doing my 5 operations that restored lost but I returned as bonds, even told me that the bonus could never retire only served to operate. It did not seem fair because in no time I was told this, then that is the point of risk-free . I kept running and got more benefits then requested my first withdrawal . I canceled automatically denied bond and all withdrawals . I am preparing the CySEC demand in Spain and the CNMV submit the case of fraud on the issuer of the credit card , I’m even thinking of putting a complaint in the Israeli police as they are there. My advice is stay away from this company only seeking your money go even farther stay away from binary options always struggles against the broker and there is no global liquidity and forex . All binary options brokers are market makers so we will always have conflicts as it benefits. Deputy screenshots requested withdrawals and transactions .

i deposited the minimum amount required and in the first call i received from the broker he requested that i put in annother $1000 as the $300 i had was not enough to make any profit. i didnt have any more money to trade so he gave me tips on how to make small profits with the money i had.. unfortunately all the trades i was told to make ended up with me losing. i requested a withdrawal on the money i had remaining yet they never responded to my requests. and after 3 months of waiting for my money to be refunded and not trading in the meantime, i was charged an inactive fee when all i was trying to do for the full 3 months was try to get my money back. so bottom line is… DONT TRADE WITH OPTION RALLY. THEY WILL TAKE ALL THE MONEY YOU HAVE AND EVEN IN THE ODD CHANCE YOU DO MAKE A PROFIT, THEY WONT LET YOU SEE ANY OF IT!! trust me … look for another reputable company .. this one is not worth it !!

do you really wanner earn money on 300 eur then i will recommend to use 1 years on study and reading fist…. no one becomes rich on 300 eur from one day to the other. you need mor money and a stronger brain….

I totally agree ,

You cannot withdraw anything, you have to trade untill you lose everything you have deposited on your account.

I have lost upto now not far from 4.000 €

That is all folk !!

I shall never recommend optionrally to somebody.

I have had the same request after request to deposit more and more money from option rally. Which I did, until I had a balance of $198 I then gave trading a break, when I came back to trade I had $1.78 in my account . I emailed them and told them to stop sending me emils and cancel my account. I got a phone call from my manager to explain that because I had not traded for a while, they had taken the money for maintenance, I called them a bunch of thieves to which I was told if I deposited a further $300 they would replace my $200 giving me $500 to trade…how very kind of them. Thank goodness I have read the comments here, because I nearly fell for it just to retrieve my lost $200. I also found that trades seem to have a loaded dice. Cheers Option Rally I hope my $200 burns a hole in you, I just don’t like thieves.

I use Optionrally to trade from, and its a great tradingplatform, the people are high educated and are really good at teaching new trades like my how to get profit….

I can se that binaroptionthatsucks writ that thy not are regulated, i can tell that thy are. thats no problem to finde, just google optionrally and reguleted and you will se….

I have joined 6 webinar and ever time learned alot… using bolling band, trade the calender ect.

From my heart i can only say that you people whant regred to join Optionrally thats for sure :)

I finally got my money back about 6weeks after I put in my withdrawal request, otherwise was a good platform.

Thks guys, I’m almost there to deposits money with them, but with the little information gathertogether, i think am OK, i don’t need optionrally neither to trade with them. Thks.

I have been trying to withdraw money from optionrally for weeks. i had my documents approved more than 2 weeks ago. I have had multiple requests cancelled after my documents were approved so someone is simply cancelling requests. i even put in another request thinking they forgot about my original request. I have tried sending emails to their account manager, support staff and even used their online chat support for help with the withdrawal and to close my account afterwards. They claim that my request will be send to the account manager and a rush will be placed on the withdrawal but no one had even bothered to contact me back. I have heard this from multiple support staff. I am thinking their accounting department is full of incompetent people. Why should I or anyone have to wait that long to withdraw money. why is it so easy to deposit yet so difficult to withdraw. They claim you can withdraw at any time which is clearly not true. i deposited 300 and shortly after some annoying broker called me asking me for more money. i was incredibly frustrated and annoyed. That was when i searched online to see reviews about the platform and i found terrible reviews. When that broker called again i told him i was going to withdraw and close the account. he was like why and kept on asking me questions about why. i told him it was for personal reasons because i was trying to be nice but really it was because i saw their horrible reviews online. so then the broker asked me more questions like what personal reasons which was so inappropriate and frankly none of his business. I not only have to wait a rediculous amount of time to get the withdrawal approved but also 5-10 days for the money to get back onto my card. WTF. I wish i would have never signed up with optionrally because of their incompetence, horrible service and withdrawal problems. this is rediculous. Someone please help if you can.

I guess it is humanly natural to talk out of your own bad experiences…but at least get your facts RIGHT buddies. Winners never talk like you guys do, believe me.

The request for personal documents for verification is a standard procedure based on anti-laundering legislation.

نعم & # 8211؛ that is true you need valid photo id to withdraw funds – not clear when they very quickly take your funds tho. Same with other binary brokers… I think forex get the id before they fully open your account properly? either way – read this and be informed. A painful lesson once caught in their ambiguous web having to payout for passport/driving licence etc.

Funny how they are unregulated, yet they comply (or seem to comply) with AML regulations. Contradiction? Or a ruse for identity theft?

I deposited 250, lost 40 and wanted to withdraw. I’ve been arguing with them for the right to withdraw my own funds for almost a week. I still can’t get them to let me. I’ve spoken to around five different people, all acting like they haven’t seen the rest of the emails and asking for the same information again, stalling . They are BAD! How dare they do this. IS there anywhere I can got to complain?

I deposited with optionrally only because I was trying germanbinaryrobot which was a con, as it wasn’t making any profit as promised.

I threaten to report both to the police, and my bank for fraud, and I think someone from germanbinaryrobot spoke to them, and told them to refund my money.

I made contact with CYSEC in Cyrus where optionrally is registered.

They can’t force optionrally to give your money back, but you can lodge an complaint against them.

Anyone not been given a refund report it to your bank as FRAUD.

Send e-mails to CTROPIS@CYSEC. GOV. CY Mr Costas Tropis.

Remember if it sounds to good to be true usually means it’s a SCAM!

Well I had an email last year “for the First 34 Only” saying you could earn a full time living with just 40 minutes a day with no out lay and stupidly followed it thinking it was for real and ended up signing up with Option Rally without really wanting to and giving them $200. Then I couldn’t get my money back because they wanted all this other info that most scammers ask for and use with identity theft so I was reluctant to give it. So after a lot of deliberation I did send it and finally got my account opened. Then the guy Ben persuaded me that I should give it a go Then just didn’t have time to trade so when I finally got round to doing it they had taken all my money in so called fees. 2 lots of $99 on the same day. Actually it wasn’t fees at all. It was scamming someones money. Most companies would be happy that they have my money sitting there but not Option Rally. They just took it and said it was fees.

OPtionrally has the smoothest talkers ever. I have submitted for a withdrawal on the 13/06/14 and till date all they do is say its being processed and contact your account manager, even though all documents are in order. Their strategy is you will loose the profit you make at some point so keep delaying the issue. The site is good but if you expect a withdrawal from your profit I suggest you go to some other binary, if you want to keep you money with them then go ahead. I have screenshots of my profits and my conversations with the live chat and also the emails with this guy called BEN FISHER if anyone is interested. I seriously recommend DO NOT deal with these scammers.

I am going to post my comments as much as I can so honest people do not suffer their hard earned monies. If you would like to know more please email me at arjobhaumik0@gmail as I am so shattered with these con artists.

Cannot withdraw any money from my ‘account’? Have been trying since 27 May 2018 and still waiting….

Optionrally is a totally scam group of people. We searched the address on their web site in London, but found no location. We are a group of friends and relatives who have dealt with these people. We deposited a total of $350,000. Our accounts have been closed. Money was totally stolen. No account manager are in touch with us all except for asking for more deposits. Some of our friends have successfully charged back their money. Others are still stuck. If you need more details you can contact me at. netfree9999@yahoo.

With out a doubt, OptionRally is the worst company i have ever dealt with in my entire life. i had to open an account with them because i was going to use a different company’s software, this was a deal that the two company’s had made together. the deal was that i open an account with OptionRally and they where to activate the other company’s software, What they did though was put there own software onto the other company’s web site.

I have lost count how meany times i have tried to contact them, but they are to ignorant to reply to any of my emails.

I would highly recommend to any person, do not use this company unless you wish to be ripped off, there is also a comment made by some one above, that this company is not regulated.

I have to say that I go stung tonight. I really like this company until tonight I placed 2x trades. The first was GBP/USD and the second GBP/JPY. Both trades were placed at 08.30 gmt. Unfortunately the prices i was given for these trades was the price at 0833 gmt which was much lower and considering both trades were “puts”, wasn’t a good thing. I lost both trades. I have now spent the the last hour and a half on an online chat were I have been cut off 3 times. I did try to ring them on there Australian listed number but that just ring out.

Not sure if there is anything I can do about this other than to close my account and go elsewhere, not that they would care.

I received a phone call from this company saying I had signed up with them – they had my phone#, my e-mail, and who knows what else. I was unable to speak on the phone at the time and requested the rep e-mail me what he wanted to talk about. I should also mention the call came from an “unknown caller” which seems highly irregular for any real investment firm who would want to be known. When the e-mail came in the name of person they were addressing was wrong (even though my e-mail had my name in it) and the grammar/spelling was elementary. Aside from that, their general stats seem to be far from ordinary quoting them stating as high as 500% profits from these funds and approx 70-80% on EVERY WINNING trade. Nothing is for sure but in my opinion this sounds like a fairly sketchy “investor”

EMMA BRIGHT THE I. D number is not correct 10 or 9 there for sen in tome the correct I. D number & the Amount of the money please help me.

Thank you for your help concerning to me. Emma Bright your email that reach to me Aug..28/2018..can i ask as you said nearest to me is that right I am no understand what is the meaning of DO NOT TRANSFER TO CYPRUS NORTH IS this a problem the I. D NUMBER; 20486253 that my account number or as you said you Email me the MTCN NUMBER can you send in to me please explain to me please help me.

I wished to withdraw my funds (MY funds, not any bonus) and received a notification that the withdrawal would be processed in 72 hours. It is now FOUR weeks later and I have received nothing, and they are not even bothering to reply to my emails. This morning I can’t even access their website – I wonder if they have closed down.

Option Rally have upgraded their website, could you please look into reviewing them again?

I am trying to make a withdrawal from my account but dont get my money.

This might be a freud.

just wondering have you got your money yet?

i have come cross same situaton.

any idea to share.

I have to say They are real Scam. To be honest, I’m not only the traders of the platform but also the affiliate. they not only scam the traders but also the affiliate.

As a trader , once you deposit, they will send you 30%-60% bonus, but the bonus is in fact a trap because you get it then you can’t withdraw you funds, no matter you win or loose.

as a affiliate , i bring them 6 depositors in half month, one of them finished 1900$ turnover, the other also finished about 700$, they ask me to print the applification for the commission , but i never receive their payment it’s 3 month past.


It a real shame being part of the broker website called “Optionrally”. They are constantly luring you to take that bigger bonus so you can’t withdraw your profits. They’ve got be kidding us saying “You need to reach the required turnover to be able to withdraw”. I’ve got luck that my credicard assistance refund me after I’ve made a deposit of $5.000.00 in that whorehouse. SOFs! They need to go press explanation to federal police. I hope they get caught for being unethicals.

My experience with OptionRally is from a 8 months consumer. My opinion? They will cheat you as they did to me.

As a newbie on trading i found OptionRally as one of the CySec brokers, and that was the reason why i’ve chosen them.

The first managers i had was amazing guys, trying to trade safely and not loose all my money. Then they came up with that annoying thing of asking for more money, asking for more money… i fell on the trap.

They came with a Tom Freeman manager and this guy made 3 good trades for me, after this he was calling me every single week to say that they had amazing oportunities… but as i was without money he said: “no one can lend you a credit card?”. I don´t know were i was, in my mind, i´ve made it. He lost 11k in one trade and said… “it´s just money Daniel, everything will be just fine…”. Since them i was trying to recover this money and just lost more and more…

The main problem was this one: https://youtube/watch? v=eM3fZFR1dr0.

You see the video for yourself. I was trying to make the Martingale strategy… but with this kind of “results”… i just lost more money…

Now they just say it´s all my fault.

Thank you OptioRally, now i will be in trouble for a few years to pay everything i lost with you…

I started at option rally with the minimum deposit and my broker soon advised me to increase to $1000. not long before my broker advised me that with the downward trend of the market I should increase to $5000. I di this, and within two weeks have lost 1000 on recommended long term investments and am waiting until the end of this month to see if the other long term is going to pay or lose.

So with a little over $3000 left in my account now they want to elevate me to VIP status (20,000). this is well above my risk ceiling and I am hesitant to take out a line of credit as per their suggestion. So far all money invested is mine, not borrowed.

Broker has called in the big gun heavy closer. (I hate that).

On the up side the education available is very good, my broker is very helpful and the various option available are attractive, but the high pressure tactics are starting to spoil the whole experience.

Dont deposit, send me your mail and i will give you chats and conversations i had with them for a month denying the withdrawal.

I have placed an order for withdrawl on 2 March still pending.

do you have and idea what I can do to get my money back.

Sorry, but we have been with Option Rally for 4 months. Initially, my wife started with a 5000 Euro balance, and built it up to 7000 Euros. An Option Rally broker there illegally fooled my wife into giving up her pin number and login information, saying that he would trade on her behalf to ensure that she doesn’t miss out on any good trading opportunities. This trusted broker then made a series of (what appears to be deliberate) losing bets, often losing 8 to 10 trades in a row, dropping the value of the trading account to under 2000 Euros. My wife was very upset. Then the broker put a lot of pressure on her to deposit more money, always calling her up and urging her to put in more money, and that he would add ‘bonus’ money to match her new deposits. So, she added another 1000, 1500, 2000 etc. of credit card money. He convinced her to give up her pin number again to trade on her behalf, then he made more losing trades, betting thousands of Euros at a time this time (two bets he made were 2500 Euros each!), and they all lost, dropping the account back to about 1000 Euros. So this trader deliberately made my wife lose about 7000 Euros by giving her bad betting advice . My wife was so upset, she wanted to stop trading, so Option Rally presented us with a new broker, who convinced her that she should recover all her losses again, if she put in another 3000 Euros, and that she would receive 3000 Euros in bonus money!! As a special VIP trader. Wow, so she thought this offer was too good to refuse! (But I kept asking the broker: “What is the catch? Why are you giving away bonus money when you know we are losing a lot on our trades?” But she refused to answer and explain to us the conditions of accepting the bonus money – she just added it to our account, and went ahead and withdrew 3000 Euros from our credit card, which is about one month of savings for me and my wife). Ok, so I got suspicious and decided to read the fine-print (Legal pages on the website). It stated there that if you accept any bonus money, you cannot withdraw any of your money unless you trade 50 times the value of your bonus! That’s 50 x 3000 = 150,000 Euros that must be traded within 100 days! Otherwise, you cannot withdraw any money from your trading account. NO WONDER THEY DID NOT WANT TO MENTION THAT YOU COULD NOT WITHDRAW YOUR MONEY (unless you meet the 50 x turnover requirement) IF YOU ACCEPTED A BONUS, because these brokers knew full well, all this time, that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to trade 50 times the bonus value that they added to your account, within 100 days once the bonus is added, therefore, MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO WITHDRAW ANY MONEY AT ALL FROM YOUR TRADING ACCOUNT! Plus, it is not real money going into your trading account anyway. That’s just ‘made up’ monopoly money! The real money is the credit card money that you deposit into their account, which you will never see again. All this time, my wife did not know that all her 3 months of trading effort, would all amount to nothing in the end, even after carefully and loyally following the trading advice of the Option Rally brokers. Both the Option Rally brokers were only too happy to give my wife the bonus money, knowing that if she accepted it, it would be IMPOSSIBLE for her to meet the 50 x turnover requirement necessary, to withdraw any money from her trading account. This is downright unethical, deceptive and unfair! Complete deception. Nothing but robbery, by hiding the conditions of accepting a bonus, because nobody would want to accept bonus money if it meant they would never be allowed to withdraw their money again!! Therefore, avoid Option Rally if you can. They are a scam organization, and their brokers are very deceptive, cold-blooded liars and thieves, in my honest opinion . I have already blocked my wife’s credit cards and will pursue complete refunds of all the deposits we made with this scam company through our credit card company. These people at Option Rally should all go to jail for knowingly pressuring my wife into accepting the bonus money, because she desperately wanted to recover all her lost money from all the losing trades they had given her. WARNING: Do not trust brokers who refuse to give you a printed contract explaining all the rules of accepting bonus money, and how it affects your ability to withdraw money from your account. Sadly, Option Rally chose to empty our trading accounts, and con us into spending more money, knowing full well it is extremely difficult, if not nearly impossible, to trade 50 x the bonus amount (of fake play money) in 100 days of trading, simply because the odds are all against you – and you have a 55 or 60% chance of losing on every bet. They make it virtually impossible to make any profit and they hide their motives for giving you extra bonus money (because they know once you accept the bonus money, it will be almost impossible to withdraw your money – and that’s why they don’t want to tell you that, even if you ask them: “What is the catch?”, “What are the strings or new conditions attached?”, or “Why would you want to give me free bonus money?” ) My wife had no idea that by accepting the bonus money, she would never be able to withdraw any of her money ever again, because the 50x trading requirement is an impossible trading volume to reach within 100 days, an almost impossible condition to meet, before you can withdraw any money. They will not even let you withdraw any money that you deposited (into such a bonus account) !! Basically, Option Rally wants to give you bonus (play or trading) money, to make it impossible for you to withdraw your own money from your trading account. We have had nothing but bad experiences with Option Rally. Please spread the word.

Optionrally never paid me and never responded to my withdrawal request. I have some funds available for withdrawal according to my account and my request is 100% according to Optionrally terms of service, but they don’t want to pay me. It is actually my own money that deposited already, but they neither pay me nor respond to my emails to tell why. In 2 session I had online chat and when it reached to legality of optionrally the customer service operator ended up the chat. Be ware of them, They get your money and never let you withdraw.

already informed senior manager Bobby I wasn’t interested. But he still persists,

email me and keeps on calling me.

Please stop the call.

I have to put out at your attenton my experience with they called themselves optionrally binary platform. I have deposited 275 usd with optionrally as advised by autobinary signals roger pierce and i am a member with them.

I have used this account to follow automatically prosignals with roger pierce; but the eighy percent lost with this person my balance drop down.

till 42.5;at then i stopped to trade using prosignals - autobinary signals but after.

02 months i checked my account with optionrally i discovered that my balance is equal to 0.000 usd .

I contacted optionrally for more explication about taking the remaining 42.5 usd in my account but unfortunally they did not care to answear.

me;until now no response. I asked them not for the refund but for did.

not give notice about burning my account to cost nothing.

My conclusion is ;this binary platform called optionrally dot not respect its customers and violate the human rights as implemented in all the wordwide conventions;any human being has the right to be informed about his case as example his account .

I am upset bacause they take from my account 42.5 usd without noticed me about this operation and they did not respect me as one of their customers and also in my quality being a human being.

I have decided to write this brief review not to give a verdict sentence concerning optionrally but to let people know one more information and they are the unique representent to give a judgement.

Thank you kenana.

when one of their telesales is promoting their services. i showed him some negative reviews. he start to curse me. so i ended the phone call.

i wonder what kind of company it is. if they are cursing their potential customers, what they will do with their current clients.

totally unprofessional. it seems not safe.

You say optionrally is regulated by CySec yet they do not respond to emails or calls either so thats why many scam platforms go there. They are registered under a different name and not optionrally so that should be made clear in your review!

optionrally are scammers and you get a few people who work for them trying to put everyone who complains down by trying to discredit their stories even though the victim has evidence.

We’re not fans of OptionRally, but they are indeed regulated – cysec. gov. cy/en-GB/entities/investment-firms/cypriot/37625/

They operate under 2 different domains (like most regulated brokers) – one for EU citizens (.eu), and the other from the rest of the world ().

I Have shared my personal experience in the forum. Below is the link.

After reading these comments I will not be setting and funding a new account as I was just about to do. Thanks for the advice!!

i can tell you just don’t go with optionrally. Its a BIG scum. I deposit 500 and they gave me “good” broker Jenifer Fox(if you believe that is real name)She make 12 trade and lost 10.Not just lost. When I checked how trade is going I realise that go wrong direction from beginning and then even more and more. It was obvious she wanted me to loss trade. And that was 10 times the same. Nobody answer when I wanted to know what is going on. Not even manager call him self Nicholas Bailey.

Same here – exact same situation, these guys are dodgy.

Based on the promises I thought I would take a gamble with my $340 NZ – worked some overtime to pay the bill.

After making the desposit (and after clarifying with the dude on the phone that should I wish to make a withdrawl this would be entirley possible and that my doccuments have been verified no problem) I decided to make a withdrawl.

And this is where it gets funny – I was planning to invest much more and had several friends that were interested in this too but I just wanted to make sure they were legit.

And they are not, I have received several emails saying they will proces within 48hours but no return of my deposit. They just put you on loop if you refuse to earn money for them, clever scam – just avoid it, you will loose your money.

I REPEAT, unless you want to loose your money do not invest in this poxy scam company. I am just glad that I didint get more sucked in and waste time betting to earn a rediculous amount of money that I would ultimitley not be able to withdraw.

i can tell you just don’t go with optionrally. Its a BIG scum. I deposit 500 and they gave me “good” broker Jenifer Fox(if you believe that is real name)She make 12 trade and lost 10.Not just lost. When I checked how trade is going I realise that go wrong direction from beginning and then even more and more. It was obvious she wanted me to loss trade. And that was 10 times the same. Nobody answer when I wanted to know what is going on. Not even manager call him self Nicholas Bailey.

I can tell you straight in the eyes that you can deal with OptionRally without any hassle. You register an account, validate it through your email, deposit at least the minimum amount required or if you want an exclusive account go for it, if you want to earn more profit in a short span of time. Expect a phone call in less than 48 hours to meet your account manager who will surely assist you all the way. Just be sure to read the terms and conditions and be well-aware of all the risks involved in trading, so you won’t end up complaining like all the other guys here.

Why would a broker try to crosscut another broker from another Company? Don’t they believe that people are wising up to the trick they try to play? I do not want to give a name but I will do so if pressed. From all reports, it does seem that there is a lot of work for everybody to be kept busy. I feel that as a new person entering the market that person should not be lied to, but truth should be told. I am hurt.

My experience with Option Rally is a bad one. At the beginning everything was OK, they are regulated and.

the manager assisted at opening the account assured me that there wouldn’t be any problem in case.

I would ask for withdrawal. I read their Terms about withdrawal conditions and I thought that it was OK.

To have an account manager I put 1000 . But things showed to be not so nice and many problems occurred in a short time. My manager “helped” me to lose some trades ignoring money management and persuading me.

about his knowledge and experience. He sent me emails with informations about assets for daily trading.

It didn’t work and I found out that the information was like those from investing and that there was no.

chance to profit. After maybe 3 weeks my account manager disappeared, he didn’t replayed to my emails.

Later I got the information that he had to leave due to his bad work. I felt I was a trial hare.

Than a new account manager called me but he wanted me to put another money to reach again 1000.

I decided to ask for withdrawal on 05/05/15.I received a formal email in which they informed me that.

my request will being process within 48 hour. But my request is still only pending. I sent many emails.

to their support, compliance and withdrawal department. No response . I had three chats with their operator but each time he repeated the same stupid answer that my request must be approved by my account manager. Than he stopped chatting. I have no bonuses so any restriction can’t be put to my account.

I am not satisfied with their platform. Each time I opened it there was a warning that there is some error. I contacted technical operators several times following their advice but nothing has changed and they told.

me that I have to ignore the warning. By the way I think that prices are manipulated. After I noticed that,

I chacked immediately after opening trade the Strike Rate in the history and there were differences.

For instance Strate Rate was several points over the top of the chart. Once I put down Strake price from.

approval pop windows . At expiration time I thought I Won, but in the history was Los and when I compare.

Strake prices there was a difference . I immediately opened a chat but their answer was evasive.

Do you have some advice how to get money back from 0R ? ماريا.

You can complain at.

Well i am also a memeber at optionrally… i can read the complaints of many people and few are mentioning their good experience with them,

last time i tried to close my account and to close it you need to do that during three months or else you’ll have to pay 100$ for not trading, then an account manager called me and told me to give a second try and i am doing so now, under the recommendation of my last account manager since they had been changed few times i deposited a new amount nearly 250$ cause i’m still playing it safe and they gave me a bonus on my deposit, but my acc mgr didn’t call me again after depositing the amount while he was so pushy so i deposit and then he disappeared , so i would like to ask those who had good expereience with them , whom can i contact so i can close my acc with them if that was possible , or is there any other way to do so… and with whom should i trade stocks and commodities …. name of a platform of company, and how can i withdraw my money from them.

Many thanks Guys.

I totally disagree with the talk that optionrally is genuine. To me its a big fraud. The company sweet-talked me into investing 1,100 USD and they claimed they gave me a bonus of 1500USD. Then a profit of 3,300 USD was recorded. I requested for withdrawal of 1000 USD but they turned it down and sent one Jenifer Fox to fritter away the profit with mindlessly wicked investment move (I think she did it deliberately). We incurred a loss of over 2000USD WITHIN 24 HOURS. Subsequent attempts by me to withdraw even 100USD was turned down with lots of flimsy excuses. Rather than grant my request for withdrawal, the same Fox called again and really wanted me to empty my my life savings into their company in the name of investment. That company is made up of big time rouges who have conspired to deprive innocent citizens of their hard earned money. I have refused to have anything to do with that fraud called option rally and I have handed them over to God who will surely do the battle for me. Let us wait and see what happens.

I have been with them for almost 1 & a half year, is it normal for a trading company to ask you for a copy of your credit card the front and back, this to me looks dodgy.

why would they want the 3 digit security code?

In the beginning I was getting the hang of it, winning more then I was losing so they just automatically blocked me from trading.

I also asked them to close my account so I can get my money back but they have said I can’t withdraw without giving my personal id, they have my card details because that was what I paid with. I don’t know why they have made it so difficult when it is a straight forward process.

I have also left a message a few time for my broker to contact me, still waiting 3 months later.

Thy Make it sound so good. At firs need to deposit $350 then its not enough to trade with a senior broker. after a $1000 you get the broker then thy start badgering you for more to get contracts for a better return. What a lode of bull. the broker gives you 1 or 2 good trades. then thy knock you. $1800 and no return. not able to withdraw a sent.

Don’t recommend it at all.


post your complaints in forxpeacearmy site and most probably the broker will respond because the officers there will try to contact them. just my 2 cents…

After doing research on OptionRally, I was skeptical about investing with them. Then I had a great experience with a broker named Anna Patrovsky. I talked to her about my concerns and she suggested I deposit a smaller amount of money and build up slowly so I decided to try them.

I haven’t earned a lot and I have had a couple small losses, but the winnings have outweighed the losses. I feel good knowing my money is there and at least I’m earning more than if it was in the bank. I already have successfully withdrawn some of my balance. I guess it’s a lot about who your broker is. . .

recently i saw there video for marketing their business where they claim that they will only take 7 people so they can help focus on them to make their first million in 3 like to believe is that and what is the catch,,i am not an expert in binary options trading but logically it cant be true..when one is trying to get u in by showing such a large benefits without keeping you well informed,,i really doubt their intentions…no doubt they will be making many millions coz many will attracted to fund 250 to 10k$..any comments and advise will be welcome..

Basically i am really disappointed with Option Rally, I advised the Broker not too take funds out my Credit Card, Behind my back she organised a line of Credit . letting me believe it was from Option Rally to replace lost funds. She advised me off trades all lost. I then found two days later she had taken funds out of my Credit Card putting it well over its limit, so I also have a dispute with that Bank.. I have had no reply or explanation from anyone else. up until then as a New Trader I was reasonably happy with Option Rally.

Why have I been asked to send a scan copy of both sides of my bank card Copy of driving licence and utility bill to get my money paid to me is it a Scam or what.

Its oaky , All binary option brokers do it. They do it in order to avoid scam or money laundering.

i was lured in by my so called personal broker. Telling me the more I deposited the more trades can be made and therefore the more profit. Things were going well, profit was being made so I wanted to withdraw. Of course I couldn’t as I did take the bonuses. No sooner had I try to make a deposit with no luck but within 2weeks my broker placed trades and lost the rest of my money. I have not had any answers to emails. No replies on Skype and no one can tell me where my broker is. So my advice is stay well away. They lure you with all this bullshit talk build your trust then go in for the kill and bleed you dry. I lost a considerable amoun of money and have not heard a word from them since.

I have bad experience with the above broker. They adjust the valuve to make you lose and l recently found out they make the expiry rate read 00000 and later they make value to support the lose of thetrade. I lost more than $100 and have the prove. I realy aadvice you to stay away from this broker. They do not even care to reply the email when l requested a prove to what is happening. I do not get any support but only once been called asking me to deposit more else l will not get any training or recommendation and even when convened them to at least send one recommendation a week or a day they pass to me wrong recommendations to make me lose. I will say please stay away from this broker. Thank for reading.

I have submitted all the required documents in order to get refunded, I have asked to be contacted by the account manager, but, no response? All the documents has been approved by option rally, but, still no money has been transfered?

Guys, please, help me to share this video, it is my personal experience with OptionRally. Let’s help people not to fall on this trap: https://youtube/watch? v=yBMF7qJbLtA.

THis is my experience with them:

I did not have 200 USD to deposit, even though i was so close to decide to do it, when i would have gotten my money.

They contacted me on the 10th of November and we spoke and spoke and wanted to see if they are fraudulent or not. They don’t seem so, BUT :

The supposed “Account Manager” told me so much bullshit on our first talk.

To make this clear, i’m from Romania. Not a lot of people have a lot of money here. The girl there told me that 60% of Romanians work with OptionRally. THIS MEANS 10 MILLION PEOPLE .

IF we had 10 million people rich because of OptionRally, there were only proches on the streets. Not to mention that only 3k account were opened from Romania and i don’t know how many worked with them.

She pushed me to : LOAN, ask family, do anything just to deposit. THAT is really UNPROFFESSIONAL .

I was then put over to my “Personal Broker” who had a meeting with me at 5, i arrived at home at 5:20 and stayed stupid for 1 hour, in the meantime, at 4:59 he called me to make sure i will be available. SO Who does that ? Money seekers, that’s who.

The “Personal Broker” was so abrubt in speaking, he wasn’t interested at all. He at the end of the “One dirrection ” conversation, as he was answering with short answers, decided i wasn’t of interest and began talking shit to me. Like ” haha ” , ” you do that ” , ” ok that’s good for you ” when i was saying other people do other stuff and why should i deposit for them ( a legitimate question given i wanted to get into this business and still DO ).

The next day, today 26.11.2018 i spoke again with my account manager which called me 4 times while i was at work, after i specifically asked not to call me when i’m at work. She began to talk to me just as the “personal broker did” With ATTITUDE.

SO FFS guys, it’s up to you.

You need to note that i DID NOT have the money at the time and DID NOT want to LOAN or ASK FAMILY for them. That’s outrageous for a company of actual betting online to ask you to LOAN or ASK FROM FAMILY. For me this is despicable.

I was going to deposit eventually, but after “Account Manager” spoke last time with me on Skype, it was clear they just though they caught me and i would deposit.

I don’t know how this company works and how trading is, but support is rude and even if at first are friendly, after a while they are just other FOREX EMPLOYEES ( if you ever had a chance to speak with those too ).


We are well aware that some brokers are not on their best sales conduit and bother clients like you with endless phone calls or even emails. Our recommendation is:

• Do not get lured in and do not invest, no matter how appealing it sounds.

• Be blunt but polite and explain you are not at all interested in what they have to offer.

• Contact your telephone service provider, asking them to red flag the numbers.

Option rally really sucks! carefull with option rally. i deposit some dollars there and they put me problems to start trading, like your documents are not accepted because of tecnical issues like clear photo etc, some bst; buti insist and send it 2 times more and nohing happen. Then i lost all kind of possibility to trade there, is similar to scam because also you can withdraw money. i recommed to start far away option rally, really sucks.

The ARAB Rally as option rally is not a real plate form they have their own network working in the back, as soon you will open the account few turns they will help you to open the position to win they suddenly you will find lossing and it will continue until all of you money will be gone, then their account manager will call you that he call not be acccount manager with small amount of deposit it should be not less than 1000$ to open parallel positions, but acctually this is all scam even he will convince you to deposite 500$ and he will give you bonus of 500$, here is the trick how innocent people get deceive, he will demand your password and for few turns he will stay you will then suddenly he will loss all your money and bring back in your account money as a bonus which 1000% you cannot demand as withdrawal, then there will no phone calls going to attended by them, slowly slowly they will disconnect the communcation, sometime will reply you as they are busy with other jobs, havig conferences in outside the country having big jobs but actaully they are eating the money of others. still as muslim they will deceive others and thinking that they will ever live on the money of other people by deceiving others. this is open message to all of the group of arab rally to return back money otherwise we will not leave them one day they will be in big trouble..

Joined optionrally 3 weeks ago, invested $1250 USD, I was granted a bonus of $1000(which you cant withdraw until your trading volume have reached $50000),Traded to reach to a balance of $2524 including the bonus amount.

I have been trying to get only my $1250 deposited amount and close my account but no go. Optionrally keep cancelling my withdrawal requests, their support are not professional, arrogant, and close every avenue.

Am I entitled to withdrew my money (only the $1250)

I don’t want the bonus nor the winnings, I just want to get out.

Daniel, their expert analyst, rang me and said that my trader had approved some unlosable trades. she hadn, t but he instructed me whilst I placed the trades. All 9 trades lost and I was out of pocket us$38,000. How could an expert get them all wrong. It had to be a scam. From my account to theirs. Give them a big miss.

Same applies to me Peter. After I stopped depositing now this guy Alex gave me incorrect trades that wiped my account 12000$. I have a pendiing withdrawal of 700$ for 3 weeks now. My account manager is norwhere to be found. Their call center agents are the worse people you can deal with, they dont know a single thing.

Same here Peter although not to the same extent. I have lost 90% of my deposit after 2 months of trading cautiously ONLY according to their “Signals and Invites” تعليمات. Over these two months, I have had 44% success rate which of course eats away – you can NEVER succeed with this rate. At times, I would be better to go against their advice. The persons I dealt with were Michael Harris and Seth Julian..happy to name and shame.

good morning. i would like to know more information about option rally because i have received an e-mail from aussie method and when i want to register to the side it was totally different what i saw in the advertisement. i am just wondering if it is 100% free why i have to pay 250 GB pounds? can your answer me please because they are calling me day by day. thank you for your help.

I just joined option rally with initially USD250 but then after the broker pursuaded me, I top up USD 2500. The initial plan was to use the money for trading and my being a new here I was guessing trading stocks. But then the broker said I have potential to make money in binary. She is suggesting to put more money like USD 100k, which is too risky for me to take. Does anyone think I should just let my money to use for stock trading or should I put more money for binary?

I am sorry for replying so late to your comment. Hopefully you didn’t take the bait.

If you have deposited money then file for a credit card dispute at your bank and try and recover your money. It is called a charge back. File a case of fraud against this broker.

With regards to your question, remember binary options trading is far riskier than stock trading:

1.) Firstly trading stocks allows you to have ownership in the company.

2.) If stock prices fall be 20% today and the company is a strong multinational like Google or Disney, then you can just wait it out for your price to recover.

Binary options are tricky with regards to getting the direction right in a specified time frame.

In other words you have to bet on the direction but short term fluctuations in prices can make this impossible to predict. For instance in many “60 seconds” binary options you win or loss can depend on the instance you pressed the button – a second too late and the fluctuations can make you lose.

That said, you are honestly better off doing stock trading. In fact my advice would actually be to not trade at all. Secure your investments with a reputable firm in your country and invest via collective investment schemes.

If you want to trade binary options badly (and again I would discourage you from doing so) then trade on Nadex (nadex)) which is an exchange, not a broker, where you can trade in a fully regulated environment. The exchange is miles better than some offshore broker with a virtual office in Cyprus, bank accounts in Seychelles and people with Israeli/Hungarian accents calling you for money.

Hope this helps :)

I wish I could have started with another broker. Unfortunately they were the first where I’ve deposited money. They were everyday asking for more money, until I’ve made a 5k deposit.

They gave me a VIP account manager, and according to my previews account manager he was the “top of the world” تاجر. As a newbie I was loosing money when he asked me for more 5k, to put in to a trade that would be 100% in the money. النتائج؟ He tooked 11k from my credit card, saying: “Hey, let’s take advantage of this money, they borrow you and you make money with their money…” I was so innocent that I trusted. النتائج؟ He lost the 11k in one trade. After this, he didn’t answer e-mails anymore. Never… since them I couldn’t recover from that situation.

Unfortunately this binary options industry is very shady. Even regulated brokers are sometimes scams (google interactive options scam to find out more).

My advice is this: if you deposited via credit card to this scam broker IMMEDIATELY contact your credit card and file a dispute of any deposit charges-get your money back!

It is called a credit-card charge back where you can actually recover your money. However take screenshots of your accounts and copies of where you tried to contact the broker without success. Open a case of “fraud” on the forms you need to fill in at your bank. Once investigated the bank can “reverse” the transaction and you can safely get your money back.

Any deposits up to 6 months ago can normally be recovered.

Many of us have fallen for binary options scams, I was a victim too, but because of another broker. I recovered my deposits and today I have blocked all their phone numbers and emails.

Now OptionRally reached me to make an agreement. They are really trying to solve the situtation, so I’m really happy with that! I’ll be back here to update when everything is done.

You guys are stupid if you buy into this “earn $500000 from just $300 in 30 days” bullshit… Just looking at their pop up ad pissed me off.

OptionRally charged $100 for maintenance fee without notice.

Other binary doe’s not.

Where you able to make withdrawals all the while you traded with them?

the only good thing i can say is that the training is very good, but the downfall, they don’t ask permission for charging your credit card, when I request to withdraw money with the balance $500++, suddenly my account balance become $10. Please trust me in this, find some other brokers for trading.

To all those who hasn’t got anything back in this binary option. I am planning to sue them. I would like your full cooperation on this. شكرا جزيلا. We all ha ve been in that situation. They call you for you to invest more money. Then when its time to withdraw. They hold your money for months. I have been waiting my money for months now. And this is getting out of hand. therefore, I am planning to sue them. I see that there are a lot of people who is having this problem. So if you would like to cooperate please comment on this tread. شكرا لكم.

I wanted to ask is there an updated review on this broker? I just signed up with them and had a very good experience, good support and sounds like a good broker.

I tried it 6 months ago. I lost money. And they asked me to put some more. I told them that I will not put anymore nor waste any more money in this. It’s because It is gambling. I asked for my money to be returned but until now, I have not received anything from them not even a call from the financial department that they are saying. And I’m very unpleased on how they handle their financial things. I really needed the money urgently.

Well, give me an update if ever you had a good experience or a bad one. شكرا يا صديقي. I already contacted my lawyer concerning this matter. If it does not get resolved I will be forced to get it to the higher authority concerning this matter.

how do you bring this to higher authority, please let me know i want to sue optionrally.

I had a totally different experience with optionrally, i’m not sure why your review is so negative.

I deposited easily, opened some trades on my own, got a very friendly account manager to chat with me and build my portfolio strategy (he also gave me some cool tips).

Yes, he tried to push me to take a big bonus but i was comfortable enough with my investment and didn’t want to commit to large volumes.

To be honest, i did lose 20-25% of my initial investment on the first couple of days but after few calls with my guy i followed his strategy and saw a big improvement in my performance.

It has been 3 month already, and i’ve withdrawn my entire balance twice already with no real problems.

Yes, my guy tried to convince me to keep the money in the game and re-invest it, but i needed it for different purposes and once i insisted he released it immediately.

So overall, my experience with optionrally is pretty good.

Maybe you are not using the same optionrally? the pictures in this review doesn’t look at all like the optionrally i’m trading with. maybe your review is not updated or something.

Who is your account manager? Maybe I can ask for his assistance to help me withdraw my deposit. You see, my account manager, Mr. Bobby Conlay is no longer with the Company. Mr. Benjamin Eden, Sr. Account Manager took over his place. This Benjamin had cancelled my application for withdrawal 4 times and then tell me I can only withdraw $1? (1) When I started trading, I specifically told Mr. Conlay, no bonus. (2) He maxed my credit card for a sure profit trades and gave me a bonus in the guise of profit and then he disappeared on a promotion in Europe. (3) I was unaware of the bonus until another broker wanted to do trades for me (4) Mr. Conlay reappeared. Ticked him off for being unprofessional and lying to me but promised me that by the end of the month not only will I get my deposit back but make money as well. When I asked him on the turnover I have to reached, he said 96K (3,200 bonus). We did some trades and then he was no longer with the Company. Mr Benjamin took over and ask me to deposit to make a total of 41K for some premium trades. At that point of time, I have about 35K in my account. I said no, just trade whatever I have in my account. We traded, and in just 15 minutes, lost 6K!. But by this time, I have reached a turnover of 97K. So I applied for withdrawal but everytime cancelled by Account Manager.

I cannot continue to trade with unethical and dishonest people. Emails to their support and compliance dept drew blanks. I just want my deposit back ($9,200). They can have the profit! I still have $29K in my account.

I would like to share my private experience with Optionrally.

I enjoyed very much this experience, they gave me the best service I.

could ever ask. they were very kind and helpful every time I needed. أنا.

loved trading mostly because they thought me so well to be well experienced. i highly recommend if anyone thinks about trading , shall try optionrally.

I requested to withdraw my deposit on the 16 March 2018 . i was told to to wait for 7 working days and up to so far i didn’t recieve any of my deposit or any response from Optionrally finance department.

I think they are a scam or very desperate for people i was contacted by a very aggressive man by the name Micheal Gold, who started saying i am not a man for not joining optionrally. I eventually decided not to join as this guy was the real bully of bullies.

I was talked into opening an account and I have been robbed!! They took over the account of 2,500 dollars and took all my money! I have been writing to optionrally n they don’t even reply, my so called crook account manager/ broker doesn’t even reply to me!! I asked him to close the account n refund my money some time ago n he said no worries, the other night I spoke to an agent online he said my account is stil open n balance was 13 dollars only,

I can’t beleive this, I am so shocked n don’t know what to do, I have had to repay my credit card which was all up 3,800 Australian dollars with fees,

Can anybody help me, the police from here can’t do anything!!

Not happy, they should be shut down immidiently.

I have traded with option rally and after three months lost 50% of my investment. I found the customer service wanting and had to wait three weeks to have withdraw requests fulfilled and that only after much chasing. Option Rally state 48 hours on their website for withdraws to be fulfilled but I found this to be greatly overstated. I found the account managers very aggressive and always asking for further deposits to enhance my trading success. Full of promises but could not deliver. Be advised account managers earn commissions on all your winning trades so that means they will see a profit even if you do not. They will commit 90% of your funds every day which is really high risk strategy but why would account managers worry about his if they earn commission on all winning trades? When I tried to use my own trading strategy I was criticised and pushed to follow the account managers trade advice. Overall not a good experience with Option Rally. They may be one of the biggest Binary Option traders out there but do not bank on receiving good service or performance. You are not in control of your money if you have an account manager and I could not find a way in which I could opt out of having one. Even after I closed my account Option Rally kept calling me. The trading paltform is on line and good however there are better ones out there. I did not take advantage of the bonus offer which would have double my account however conditions apply and after looking into this decided this was not a good option.

I went in with 4000 dollars and they wanted me to enter 6000 contract, I told them, no, I don’t want to, but they told me that’s it the only available bid !! and that is a big lie, you can enter with 5 dollars if you like, but they did it to give me these 2000 dollars to get to the 6000,and they told me there is no catch and it is free from us but we just gonna take it back after you finish with it, they said they won’t take interest and they won’t take anything from you, which is correct, but they won’t give you your money either, after winning 20,000 dollars, i was very happy and I had some money problems in real life, so I asked them for 1000 dollars to deal with the problems but the broker just told me, we can’t because you have to reach 50 TIMES THE BONUS AMOUNT. I told him so it is 100,000 dollars and he said yes. YOU CAN’T WITHDRAW unless you have achieved 100,000 and then they will let you take 98,000. Good deal right ? Wrong, because they let me achieve to 50,000 and they said to put 5000 into various stocks. and guess what !! All of them failed, and the broker told me that the risk is less than 5% !!

Now they are asking me to put 10,000 in my account to start again to achieve the 100,000 dollars. So I selled all “my money” into failing stocks and they lost it all. I hope you get the lesson that they are scams, if you want trusted website go to top option. they regulated and when they want to give you bonus; say no bcs you have to achieve 20 times the bonus amount. كن حذرا.

I have reqused withdrawal sinse three weeks now still pending. anytime i called support team i will tell me account manager will call me he naver did. optionrally is scam? Or not what i see in webbsite take 48hrs to withdrawal now my is now taking three weeks, i haven’t hear from account manager on till now.

if you see this review kindly believe me this is a scam company, i have lost 17k, initially i have invested 10k i lost all the money later, Vince marrison from UK called me and said he is from recovery department and he will ensure to be in profit. i have invested another 7k he will be putting another 5k. finally i won this trade and in profit over a period of time i was having 55k in my account.

i have made withdrawal request 3 times, no one will respond about withdrawal. one day when i see the account i am shocked. 55k has been put in single trade with out permission and lost the trade now account balance is zero.

i sent mail and asked account manager, over live chat informed to support person no use at all, if some one knows how to make this company close and drag to court please let me know. seems these people are cheating hard earned people and eating their shit.

I agree, I too deposited a small amount and talked into putting more in. I was made redundant so asked for a withdrawal which they replied would take 3 to 7 business days. After 16 business days had to write to financial ombudsman in Cyprus and complain. Still have no monies returned to me, STAY WELL CLEAR OF THIS SITE. If enough people can get together for a multi million class action, to not only get out money back, but with interest and penalties.

Hi…i just newly see this optionrally site…and dont really know what wud be my job or to do if i join..actually i decided to join only hv probs on how to meet the required amount. i go google to make sure this is legal and i read those comments..can anybody tell me how will i earn money in this site. thanks.

I am very disappointed with this trading company. I joined but after the agent was coming across like a bully I decided to request a refund I never traded anything. They told me I will receive a refund in seven business days that was since April 23, 2018 to date, I have not received my money and they are not responding to my emails.

Actually I have submit 2 withdrawal requests one in January this year and the other last month none of them has been processed yet every time they told me some thing unrealistic. Last reason the support line informed me to contact my account manager. Unfortunately, he never called me eve though she was calling me daily to deposit my funds but now no one called me. In the other hand I keep sending emails to every one in optionrally company no replay. I wonder slid anybody have similar to my case.

Short lived and drastic experience for me with Option Rally. Apparently I had pressed some button, unbeknown to me that started automatic trading. My broker Alex Carter said that could not be closed down unless I did it. Help not forthcoming from their side to do it. Night after night of no contact. I kept up emails to ask them to close my account. Eventually received email from broker Alex saying they kept going to his spam folder so he did not open them often. How’s that for valued customer! He did not like my tone which was becoming urgent from frustration and expressed that in his email. I have emails still in my sent emails. I kept asking for my account to be closed. Eventually, told they closed it and sent money back to my account. It took several more emails until this was actually done. Always told:spam folder and no indication of amount. I think it was $14.50 that I eventually received. short note from broker when finally bout to go into account. In the original advertisement the chap talking said if a loss made in first month he would personally give I think it was $1000 or it could have been $100 I can not find that video on the internet. The off handed lack of apology type closure when initially big statements re being trained, successes, and having my requests to close account ignored; a huge disappointment. Ironic that when finally that small amount left from my very limited funds…thay could close the account. Obviously could have done so te first time I asked and put back at least $200 rather let it get out of control. It may appear small amounts, but I am looking into legal advice and possibly any relevant media exposure. A basic disregard of ethics was my experience, so far. I hope they rectify this situation. Mara Strante.

Glad to see i was’t the only person taken for a ride. Exactly the same stories. They are not to be recommend to anybody. Ferrari should be ashamed to have their name on their sports cars as a sponsor. Luckily i only lost $250 (R3700) and did’t fall for lies. So please everybody be warned DON”T TRADE with OPTIORALLY You will loose all your money.

Vincent Delgado is a lying, theiving, broker at option rally. Don’t take his calls or believe a word he says.

I opened an account recently with optionsrally. and the accounts manager insisted I upgrade to $5000 in my ac. Although I was reluctant. then he insisted I follow his trading advice which was to trade the entire amt and gave an “assurance” as a first time cust that I would loose the money even if the trade lost. Finally I lost 2000 from the trade.

then here it gets worse another person called and said the previous ac manager was’nt that good and she offered to hedge fresh trades to recover the previous . All I had to do was re-invest another $5000 . At this point I was beginning to re-allise this was a scam. So I did’nt agree to it . she however took $900 from my sc without me authorising / or placing a deposit. so I was getting really worried about optionsrally.

Now I finally placed a withdrawal or the 900 + 2000 . and I third guy calls me and says I cant withdraw the amt unless I deposit another $5000 . wait .

I have been trying since to get the withdrawal , but NO response .

These people call me every day. I have no interest in them. I don’t know where they got my number from but they won’t stop calling. It’s pure harassment. I have a baby and don’t need to be disturbed all the time by these cold calling people. I have complained through their channels and they have ignored me. I have told every single operator who calls never to call again, and they continue to call and to talk over me. What does it take to get rid of these nuisance callers. I have signed up to TPS so they’re breaking the law but they clearly don’t care. What is left? I’m utterly sick of them harassing me.

you can invest on them, but they will give you signals that turns your account upside down. very bad. they promise to give you more than 150%-200% returns and in the end they will give a signals with only 20% winning rate or even less than makes your account crush to where you could never imagine.

I don’t believe the trading platform is legit. A warning on the net suggests the binary platform can be manipulated to lose. I have strong suspicions about who runs Option Rally and I am following that info. If enough people complain to London Police through ” Fraud Alert” it will help to get them . I would like to open an internet site just for complaints about Option Rally. If you would like to help me please contact me by email. I lost $7250 which to me was a lot and I want it returned. I have proof against this company in the form of Skype messages and information downloaded from the trading platform. I will never stop until they return my money.

Seems ok to me, don’t accept bonus and stay in control. Day one here, opened with 250 and did 30 minutes and closed at 374!! 124 made in 30 mins..paid the shopping today! It’s all fun isn’t it at the end of the day, keep control of them !

I Was with More than one binary trading institute they all are the same they help you to win the first 2 to 3 trades and then you are on your own to be honest I don’t thing this is legal. I lost over $15k in trades the brokers know just how to get more out of you and when they get to a point were they see you are not willing to invest more $. They are gone no replies no mails no noting. I was up at onetime to $40k and wanted to cash out some profit and every time I was told sorry did not see your request. They trade your profit until there is nothing. The fast answer is ah ah ah sorry but the market made a sudden chance but if you invest say $10k we can recover the loss and you will be back on the in the money market then you can take profit. Honest they know how to take your $ in a legal way. I would say be very careful were you put your hard earn cash.

Here’s the drum. Requested a withdrawal on the 23rd Oct and I’m still waiting.

Have emailed many times and no answer.

They suck. If you contact support and don’t get any what’s the point.

Now I’ve been checking my account and my withdrawal request is no longer pending. It’s been like that for 2wks. I think they are not deserving of your hard earned money. They don’t have any respect for their clients.

Hi. everybody, this is my experience with OptionRally.

I lost more than 160000 usd in their trading platform, and have much hassle in withdrawing from my account. I had 4000usd as bonus from them. and every time I want to withdraw, they will use the bonus had not met their turnover volume and refused to send me back the money,

my trading volume as provided by the company was 160000,that is more than 30xof the bonus I got. so, get the money and stop making transaction with them, I think, no one can won under this company. wish you all good luck.

My experience with this Brokers is a very very sad!

I would have a lot to say about!

The people operating there are very dishonest to say the list.

They convince me to deposit a large amount of money, and they add a bonus making me believe, that the bonus would not interfere with my future request of withdrawing just my amounts that I deposited.

I was not interested in the amount that was won.

All this when on and on, they all the time refuse to honor my legitimate request.

I lost 38.000 American dollars because of that broker.

That was my hard earned money.

Hope that nobody will trade with them.

Because they were patners with a distinguish Firm like Scuderia Ferrari, I thought that this Broker was ok, and safe.

Got talking to a client, they said Optionally. EU are still trying to keep his funds from 2 years ago in his account. Instead of refunding him his money. When questioned, you need to fill in new T& C ‘s bla bla bla.

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نحن نحتفظ بالحق في تقرير أي تعليق سيتم نشره.

للاستفسار عن الوسطاء - يرجى استخدام المنتديات لدينا.

للشكاوى التفصيلية - يرجى استخدام نظام الشكاوى لدينا على الصفحة الرئيسية.

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